has anyone ever dunked there weed in cough syrup?


Well-Known Member
lol you dont put it on your weed you line your blunt with prometh w codeiene not no robitussin


Well-Known Member
why u askin us, you obvisouly have done it and currently fucked up on cough syrup, this is why you made this retarded thread
lol j/k keep on tokin man
the cough syrup way
lol j/k


Well-Known Member
Maybe you mean something with codeine, like .... mentioned. But, as a youngster, I used to drink robotussin DM for fun sometimes... I can't imaging that sort of thing doing much beyond making your weed taste bad. You have to drink a whole bottle of that stuff, so the amount you'd get dipping weed in it wouldn't be enough to do anything IMO.


Well-Known Member
is drinking cough syrup a big thing in the US then? as never heard of that here in the UK? what does it do?


Well-Known Member
Promethazine and codeine..it f*cks you up....people I know mix it with sprite and jolly ranchers or lace blunts with that shit....makes you slow as hell...personally I think it sux ass but lots o people like it..and kinda expensive for the good stuff


Well-Known Member
damn, does it like slow your heart rate down and make stuff just go slow and drags on kinda thing?? if so i wouldnt touch that shit, mary jane is enough for me to relax :D


Well-Known Member
yes i have dipped nugs in regular cough syrup like 15 years ago. yes i was a fuckin idiot. i let it dry to where the weed was sticky and i smoked it. it fucked me up haha but my neck hurt and i couldnt hold it straight the next day. there are chemicals i cant pronounce in that shit and probably terrible & toxic if smoked. also it sizzled like steak as i toked it lmao. dont do it..


Well-Known Member
yes i have dipped nugs in regular cough syrup like 15 years ago. yes i was a fuckin idiot. i let it dry to where the weed was sticky and i smoked it. it fucked me up haha but my neck hurt and i couldnt hold it straight the next day. there are chemicals i cant pronounce in that shit and probably terrible & toxic if smoked. also it sizzled like steak as i toked it lmao. dont do it..

haha, you could have sold it to some noob and said it was icky sticky bud :hump::P :leaf:


Well-Known Member
And if you were thinking about buying some prometh dont.Its some over rated bullshit and its expensive as shit.If you really dont care about getting addicted to something you would be better off buying a 3 dollar bag of heroin.Even percs are better then that shit.It does get you higher though if you line a blunt with it.Just get some prescribed and pick it up legally for way cheaper then someone would sell it on the street.


Well-Known Member
don't drink cough syrup in high amounts. its a fun fuckin trip but it isn't safe for you like shrooms and some other psychedelics its actually quite dangerous


Active Member
and those who drink cough syrup for kicks ... haha your liver will be fucked in a matter of no time ... do the research unless you just wanna die

Iron, Lion, Zion

Active Member
Cough Syrup fucks with your heart.
However, when I had bronchitis last year, I decided to keep smoking (stupid). My friends ended up getting bronchitis from me (I felt awful). However, when I went to the doctor I ended up with a bottle of promethazine... my friends got the same ended up with the same prescription... those were some tasty blunts.
Probably beating a dead horse, don't be dipping your cannabis in cough syrup, one of the greatest benefits of cannabis is that it IS medicine already (and gets you stoned, right?). Don't get me wrong, I'm a 'buzz-hound', but dipping buds in cough syrup? Then again, to each his own...


Well-Known Member
To be honest I like the promethazine with codeine. I get it once a year, usually around winter because I get a cough anyways so I just go to the doctor and I get a bottle. I can say I've never been ''throwed'' like the people who do it heavy get, I enjoy the taste of it when mixed with sprite and a jolly rancher. Plus even the good dank around here tends to be harsh and it does take the burn/cough away like nothing else if you take a sip after or even right before the hit.

As far as dipping weed or a blunt in it, I'd rather not. If you want to do that just find or grow a good indica, that's all this stuff is supposed to do just put you on your ass.

Oh and if you do it with robitussin or any other otc cough syrup you are one nasty mofo. It's COMPLETELY different.