Has anyone ever bought from ontarios seedbank the add behind hightimes mag


Well-Known Member
Iam in the states and iam tired of buyin seeds online riskin myself and money. the attitude is startin to get real expensive iwanted to take a trip to ontarios best seedbank and pick up a good amount, do you think this a good idea?

must be cheaper that way iget my beans guaranteed without buyin a stupid shirt or mug

feedback please


Well-Known Member
but theyre beans u could staple a 10 pack to a hallmark card so if ileave in a bus with a acouple of hallmark cards in envelopes iam pretty sure theyre not goin check it and dogs cant smell beans but ur right it is risky


Well-Known Member
I havent been to canada in Years....but only thing they every checked us for were weapons.............we were on our bikes and looked kinda ragged...........never once did they look for drugs.............they were pretty cool at the border back then.......dont know now.

oh and they didnt search us they just asked if we had weapons.