Has Anyone ever been Prosecuted By Hair Evidence Found in Nugs?


Well-Known Member
i just found a hair in a nug. no big deal, but i started wondering if anyone has ever been busted from it. maybe a cop pulls someone over, finds and takes their weed, and finds a hair in it. lets assume its a large enough amount that theyd do a dna test on the hair(dont know if theyd even do that). if the hair was embedded 'inside' the nug(at least partially), couldnt that be evidence of growing it? and im pretty sure the root itself has to be on the hair to find dna, right?


Well-Known Member
Unless a Murder or Terrorist threat is involved I doubt any agency or dept. would go through that process. Hell would freeze over before they began doing that.. unless the texas sheriff has had a really slow day.


Well-Known Member
Unless a Murder or Terrorist threat is involved I doubt any agency or dept. would go through that process. Hell would freeze over before they began doing that.. unless the texas sheriff has had a really slow day.
theres worse places than tx.... Oklahoma..


Well-Known Member
theres worse places than tx.... Oklahoma..
:O Tell me more.!.

:) tx is what I hear about mostly here on riu. When it comes to ppl getting in trouble. but Oklahoma worse :[ such a sad land.. any Oklahomians here. :] kekeke


Well-Known Member
Oklahoma Marijuana Penalties
conditional mandatory tax stamps
Incarceration Fine
any amount (first offense) misdemeanor 1 year* fine
any amount (subsequent offense) felony 2 - 10 years fine
*Conditional discharge available.
1000 plants or less felony 2 years - life $20,000
More than 1000 plants felony 20 years - life $50,000
Less than 25 lbs felony 2 years - life $20,000
25 lbs to 1000 lbs felony 4 years - life
$25,000 -
1000 lbs or more felony 4 years - life
$100,000 -
To minors felony double penalty double penalty
Within 2,000 feet of schools, public parks or public
housing felony
double penalty +
MMS** double penalty
**Mandatory minimum sentence of 50% of the imposed sentence.
Miscellaneous (paraphernalia, license suspensions, drug tax stamps, etc...)
paraphernalia misdemeanor 1 year <$1,000
paraphernalia (2nd offense) misdemeanor 1 year <$5,000
paraphernalia (3rd offense) misdemeanor 1 year <$10,000
Any conviction causes driver's license suspension for 6 months to 3 years.
Possession of any amount of marijuana is punishable by up to one year in jail for the first offense and 2 - 10
years in prison for subsequent offenses. Conditional discharge is available to first time offenders.
Cultivation of 1,000 plants or less is punishable by 2 years - life in prison and a fine up to $20,000. Cultivation
of greater than 1,000 plants is punishable by 20 years - life in prison and a fine up to $50,000.
Sale or delivery of less than 25 pounds is punishable by 2 years - life in prison and a fine of $20,000. For sale
or delivery of 25 pounds or more the penalties increase to 4 years - life in prison and a fine of $25,000 -
$100,000. Sale or delivery of 1,000 pounds or more is also punishable by 4 years - life in prison, but the fine
increases to $100,000 - $500,000. Any sale to a minor doubles the penalties. Sale within 2,000 feet of schools,
public parks or public housing doubles the available penalties and carries a mandatory minimum sentence of
50% of the imposed sentence.
If eighteen (18) years of age or over who delivering/ selling drug paraphernalia to a person under eighteen (18)
years of age shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a felony and causes driver's license suspension for 6 months


Well-Known Member
Unless a Murder or Terrorist threat is involved I doubt any agency or dept. would go through that process. Hell would freeze over before they began doing that.. unless the texas sheriff has had a really slow day.
yeah thats what i was thinking too. but maybe the strain with the hair in it is a strain that is everywhere in the community and the fuzz would love to catch the grower? theyd probably do it...


Well-Known Member
This reminds me of a CSN concert I saw. David Crosby had just got out of jail and during the reunion tour David says,"I'm not gonna tell you what kind of drugs you should or shouldn't do, but if you're gonna do cocaine I wouldn't do it in Texas !"


Well-Known Member
Oklahoma Marijuana Penalties
conditional mandatory tax stamps
Incarceration Fine
any amount (first offense) misdemeanor 1 year* fine
any amount (subsequent offense) felony 2 - 10 years fine
*Conditional discharge available.
1000 plants or less felony 2 years - life $20,000
More than 1000 plants felony 20 years - life $50,000
Less than 25 lbs felony 2 years - life $20,000
25 lbs to 1000 lbs felony 4 years - life
$25,000 -
1000 lbs or more felony 4 years - life
$100,000 -
To minors felony double penalty double penalty
Within 2,000 feet of schools, public parks or public
housing felony
double penalty +
MMS** double penalty
**Mandatory minimum sentence of 50% of the imposed sentence.
Miscellaneous (paraphernalia, license suspensions, drug tax stamps, etc...)
paraphernalia misdemeanor 1 year <$1,000
paraphernalia (2nd offense) misdemeanor 1 year <$5,000
paraphernalia (3rd offense) misdemeanor 1 year <$10,000
Any conviction causes driver's license suspension for 6 months to 3 years.
Possession of any amount of marijuana is punishable by up to one year in jail for the first offense and 2 - 10
years in prison for subsequent offenses. Conditional discharge is available to first time offenders.
Cultivation of 1,000 plants or less is punishable by 2 years - life in prison and a fine up to $20,000. Cultivation
of greater than 1,000 plants is punishable by 20 years - life in prison and a fine up to $50,000.
Sale or delivery of less than 25 pounds is punishable by 2 years - life in prison and a fine of $20,000. For sale
or delivery of 25 pounds or more the penalties increase to 4 years - life in prison and a fine of $25,000 -
$100,000. Sale or delivery of 1,000 pounds or more is also punishable by 4 years - life in prison, but the fine
increases to $100,000 - $500,000. Any sale to a minor doubles the penalties. Sale within 2,000 feet of schools,
public parks or public housing doubles the available penalties and carries a mandatory minimum sentence of
50% of the imposed sentence.
If eighteen (18) years of age or over who delivering/ selling drug paraphernalia to a person under eighteen (18)
years of age shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a felony and causes driver's license suspension for 6 months
man that is fucked up!


Well-Known Member
yeah thats what i was thinking too. but maybe the strain with the hair in it is a strain that is everywhere in the community and the fuzz would love to catch the grower? theyd probably do it...
If you are supplying an entire community with MJ, I am sure they have another lead before having to resort to that.. such as going outside and taking a wiff of the air.


Well-Known Member
I shall never in my life Travel to Oklahoma. They just lost tourist money.
What I'd like to know is, what exactly was it in the State of OK that was going to attract you there as a tourist to begin with?
My guess is, you were probably never going there anyway!

To answer the original question:
]i just found a hair in a nug. no big deal, but i started wondering if anyone has ever been busted from it. maybe a cop pulls someone over, finds and takes their weed, and finds a hair in it. lets assume its a large enough amount that theyd do a dna test on the hair(dont know if theyd even do that). if the hair was embedded 'inside' the nug(at least partially), couldnt that be evidence of growing it? and im pretty sure the root itself has to be on the hair to find dna, right?
This question is so full of holes, its hard to even know where to begin.

But taking it at face value, even if (purely for the sake of argument) that a police officer:

a. Actually NOTICED a hair in some confiscated bud, and
b. Actually decided to waste department money ordering DNA testing on said hair, and
c. Said testing actually came up with a result that.
d. Could conclusively link that particular hair to a particular suspect (who would have already have to have been identified for the comparison to be done). . .

By itself, that **STILL** wouldn't prove the hair came from the grower of said bud.

Sure the hair *might* have come from the person growing the bud. It might also have come from their spouse, who was in the same room or general vicinity. It might be from the growers friend or even a COMPLETE STRANGER, and was brought into the grow room stuck on the growers clothes. It may have been introduced into the bag in question long after the grow was completed, etc.

The bottom line is, even if you could link a particular hair from a particular bud to a particular person (which is pretty doubtful), by itself that still wouldn't be enough evidence to secure a conviction. At BEST you might show that the person the hair came from was. . .at one point. . .in close proximity to the bud or to someone near the bud, but that's about it.