Has anyone chopped yet??


Well-Known Member
I'm still a few weeks away from harvest time. I had a branch snap off the other day in this freaky wind/hail storm we had, so it's hanging up in the shed. Should be ready for Friday night.

Otherwise, I'm trying my best to be patient with the two ChemDog plants I've got going in the back garden. It's hard though... it's my first time growing (been smoking for 20+ years) and I just want to smoke the stuff! I like that set-up of yours, so I might give that a shot. I was wondering how to inspect the buds properly, because I don't want to just hang 'em up.

When I chop my indoor I tend to leave it in long branches to dry out slowly and then I'd manicure again into nuggets when dry. With the outdoor I have to chop it all down to pieces to inspect the stem and inside of bud for mold as this can spread whilst drying. When caterpillars and insects chew the plants they leave behind dead matter which becomes rotten and moldy. Weeks Before chopping I have to pull the buds apart and look inside for dead bits, caterpillar poop or mold. I've been quite lucky so far but only coz I've been checking daily. Most were still quite small. I used BT and found some dead caterpillars!!

If ur getting impatient then keep checking every few days with a microscope. I dont know that strain, never grown it.


Well-Known Member
I'm so glad that mine aren't ready on the same day. Same week is bad enough. I've been a bit lazy with the flush, only 5 days but they need watering daily (with run off). Tapered off nutes prior.


Well-Known Member
wish i was chopping, still waiting

Amen sir, every year I promise I am done with these october 20 harvests and halloween harvesting...let me know if you can ind anything that can finish mid-end september in the north that is mold/mildew resistant...I won't be chopping for another 18-20 days but won't have everything out of the ground until halloween.


Well-Known Member
And with the sun sitting so low in the sky half the garden is only getting 3-4 hours direct sun..in june and july and most of august they were getting a solid 8 hours direct..so that is slowing things down too.

Po boy

Well-Known Member
"it's my first time growing (been smoking for 20+ years) and I just want to smoke the stuff!

it's an awesome feeling to begin smoking your own grow! GL


Well-Known Member
Amen sir, every year I promise I am done with these october 20 harvests and halloween harvesting...let me know if you can ind anything that can finish mid-end september in the north that is mold/mildew resistant...I won't be chopping for another 18-20 days but won't have everything out of the ground until halloween.
swiss cheese and the church.. im all cut and dryied and bagged. swiss cheese im going to say is a semi atou. i put a few out late and they finished 3 weeks later then the rest and they only take weeks to finish.


Active Member
Amen sir, every year I promise I am done with these october 20 harvests and halloween harvesting...let me know if you can ind anything that can finish mid-end september in the north that is mold/mildew resistant...I won't be chopping for another 18-20 days but won't have everything out of the ground until halloween.

Iv'e been reading up on the best plant to grow in certain places esp out door, and found super skunk to be the best for uk weather, only started with one but doing three next time round, but will be starting a little later on in the year than march, she got a bit tall lol2012-09-10 16.31.21.jpgbut might try something knew this time round


Well-Known Member
Is that a current pic? good thing ya got a greenhouse she needs a while...from what I have read, there is a strain called endless sky that has a 6 week flower pheno..so probably going to have to order some and hope to land one.


Active Member
ya i'll do it tomorrow if i'm home before dark..also, i redressed with lime to help the ph...i watered right before i put it down though, so its just sitting there not raising my ph! should i water again, even though my pots are soaked? or just wait a week and then water when they dry out? which is worse, low ph or too much water?
IMHO and exp. I have found that the ph can take a couple weeks to affect the plant while over watering has a more sudden affect. I use the same method watered my girls and then apply garden lime wait for it to dry and then water again. This has been effective and helps to increase gradually. How much did you apply. For a 5gal pot i only used a couple TBS if that. But you should be good if you let it dry and out a few days and then do a good soaking come next watering. For a quick ph fix a flush of neutral water usualy did the trick for me. Lime is more of a buffer it seems to me and the gradual ascent up usualy is better for the plant. It all depends on the time you have left. If you have weeks then the lime is a good idea. Also what method are you using to check. Soil test? Runoff? or Electric meter. Ive found the actual soil test and meter to be most accurate.