Has anybody been raided as result of this site?

A person I know, is telling me that the goverment will be watching all our threads and would raid us. has anybody known of anybody being raided. Is this site safe to grow and post your progress?


Well-Known Member
dude your good to that effect, just don't be dumb know what your posting is for all eyes to see and don't put any personal info up and youll be good. If the govt wanted theyd have us. go on forums, use there software to track your IP, learn your residence and break the door in, but frankly theres too many ppl growing, not enough money to follow them, but not only that is that the countries overall status of the drug has changed, pot is nothing at this point in time, and the govt isn't gonna waste resources going after you, the govt starts coming for you when they evaluate you as a threat,


Well-Known Member
It does seem that there have been a lot more package seizures in the last year. I've had 2 from Attitude get snatched by Customs. Who is to know if Obama's spying-on-everybody program is filtering down to us? BigSteve.


Well-Known Member
A person I know, is telling me that the goverment will be watching all our threads and would raid us. has anybody known of anybody being raided. Is this site safe to grow and post your progress?
Your friend sounds paranoid, and thats exactly how the gov't wants you to feel because it keeps most people from growing. There are countless websites, and forums for people to learn and post on for the gov't to be watching everyone. I would imagine as long as you don't have a house converted to growing then you should have nothing to worry about.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
It does seem that there have been a lot more package seizures in the last year. I've had 2 from Attitude get snatched by Customs. Who is to know if Obama's spying-on-everybody program is filtering down to us? BigSteve.
NO....It's because the Customs boys know what Attitudes shipments "look" like.....It's a random thing as some still pass through!
That what I said hes worrying about nothing reli , he is someone that has very negitive veiws on all aspects of life and is clearly trying to unnerv me. Twat basicly, im smart enough not to bait up myself.


Well-Known Member
Your friend sounds paranoid, and thats exactly how the gov't wants you to feel because it keeps most people from growing. There are countless websites, and forums for people to learn and post on for the gov't to be watching everyone. I would imagine as long as you don't have a house converted to growing then you should have nothing to worry about.
Oh boy, I'm in trouble :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
That what I said hes worrying about nothing reli , he is someone that has very negitive veiws on all aspects of life and is clearly trying to unnerv me. Twat basicly, im smart enough not to bait up myself.
Rule #1) Don't tell people you're growing... Rule #2) Don't tell people you're growing... Rule #3) If you break rule #1 or #2 you deserve to hang around with morons...uhm...I mean negative people :twisted:...Moral of the rules is not only will you hang around negative people but the po po will come knockin' if you tell people you grow...grow it, tell it, and they will come...so, whatcha gona do when they come for you???


Well-Known Member
You think the federal gov't cares to waste their resources to focus on finding your 4 plant grow tent? As long as you aren't growing over 99 they don't care and when they do care it is more so because they aren't getting their cut of the action(tax). That shit comes down to enforcement by your state and local gov't. If you don't want to be paranoid, move to a decriminalized or medical state.


Well-Known Member
guy .....u want to be safe

at the sign part in your profile...........type in this is all research for a novel u are wrting about some kids that go into the weed growing in cali and the cartel kills one kidnaps the other ..............all this info u are gathering and talking about is theory so u get the facts right in the book so it sells to us stoners

at this point the feds do not care about us small ppl they are after the cartels and the terror ppl aslong as u adviod key words in your text phone calls posting here the system should never flag u for a human reveiw

yes they are looking at everything the thing in utah is for a massive data center they can work in real time with captures from phone the net everything

just rem use alot of mispellings and slang terms they are looking for certain combos that they have heard before (just be happy they do not have a full voice print on everyone 0.....u know anyone that gets picked up in most states are now forced to give DNA samples ........my own state for u to be released from jail or prison u have to give up DNA for the system Misdormeanors or felony


Well-Known Member
Your friend sounds paranoid, and thats exactly how the gov't wants you to feel because it keeps most people from growing. There are countless websites, and forums for people to learn and post on for the gov't to be watching everyone. I would imagine as long as you don't have a house converted to growing then you should have nothing to worry about.
Oh boy, I'm in trouble :eyesmoke:
guy .....u want to be safe

at the sign part in your profile...........type in this is all research for a novel u are wrting about some kids that go into the weed growing in cali and the cartel kills one kidnaps the other ..............all this info u are gathering and talking about is theory so u get the facts right in the book so it sells to us stoners

at this point the feds do not care about us small ppl they are after the cartels and the terror ppl aslong as u adviod key words in your text phone calls posting here the system should never flag u for a human reveiw

yes they are looking at everything the thing in utah is for a massive data center they can work in real time with captures from phone the net everything
Not that I'm using the whole house mind you...just 4 outa 9 bedrooms...oh, and 1 walk-in closet...but it's all for a book I'm writing :twisted: :twisted:...


Well-Known Member
this is a sub culture .......so we have our terms ideas and lingo ...............so u would need to be apart of it to learn what u need to make the book that much more real and since real is selling much more then made up

u get the info from here then look up a open crime case that fits the idea and then make up a story about what happend to the ppl and it is a true tell all book from the veiw of a cartel killer/drug king pin/ and some dumb kids that were in the wrong spot

u just need to give the lawyer something they can work with and sell to the jury ...........now adays no matter what 1 of those 12 ppl are most likey a toker in some form or other

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
The truth is very few people on this site actually grow mj. I can tell by the comments and the reactions. I can also tell the po po from what they write. The po po, no matter how hard they try will snub there nose at people they believe are into mj or other drugs. They just can't help thier better than thow BS.


Well-Known Member
u can always try this

the founding fathers of this country could grow weed (geogre and thomas proof in the history books) and make moonshine on there own land ...........those were the freedoms they were fighting for so if they had them so do i

i never once signed anything agreeing to the crazy ass rules (this year alone 40,000 new laws and rules went into effect) ........leave me alone or kill me but u have no right to tell me i am not allowed too if the founding fathers of the country could


Well-Known Member
Personally I'd say that there are too much people out there for them to be keeping track of and it's just a waste on trying to make a criminal out of someone who is growing a plant that is more safer than cigarettes, alcohol, paracetamol and many other things; even ants! (proven fact about the ants)


Well-Known Member
I'm doing research. The only thing I'm growing is old. Who wants some of that?
I am in complete and utter agreement with this person.

If they want me, they can come and get me, I will be right here, hittin' this bong and thinking about my next grow. :P

Peace and Great Grows



Well-Known Member
Their have ben casses of local authoritys raiding some people for posting on fourms about growing

But they were dumer than shit posting pictures with the metal data in it or whatever it;s called , posting pictures of them selves with plants and saying ther from 'bum fuck' wherever

Just rember whatever you post will forever be in the gov. hands

It may not be issue today, tomorow is unknown