has any body done test on all the nut out there


Well-Known Member
i was just thinking how much of a deference there is in all the plant fertilizers out there like is GH better then Advanced N or is Duch master better then Fox Farm and so on.I know there a deference but how big. Has any body done test on any of these products
with some pic
im going to do a test with GH and Advanced N maybe some would do some testing of other products

my test is going to be with GH three part and AN three part and there will be no bloom fert im going to use the three parts all the way threw and then i will do a test with the three part threw veg and then i will use a bloom fert of GH kabloom and AN connoisseur two part and i will post pic. but i would be really interested if some one has done some test already

i have used GH before and i think it works really good but i hade a friend how works for AN so i tryed it out so far it did really good but mined you they where'nt the same strain of plants so i will have to see in a TEST:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
what theres nobody out there how thinks there ferts are better then otheres on the markit what the hell i though this would be a good thread i must be wrong :spew:


Well-Known Member
because advanced N did the test of corse they would win if duch master did the test they would win hahaha what do you think

if the test was legit then i should do pretty good then :hump:


Well-Known Member
come on i want to here some stuff about ferts wich work good for you
i like GH for DWC better then Advanced N what do you guys think


Well-Known Member
i will watch your test. i'm interested.

well i have four in flower for about three days now my last grow was GH and i had the same strain but i did not use a bloom fert just the three part GH and i got two and 3/4 lbs off two 1000w hps so this time im using the AN three part for the veg and connoisseur bloom two part
so i should get at least three 1/2. but my next grow i will do two with GH and two AN and for the veg i will use the three part for both GH & AN but for the bloom i will use GH kabloom and for AN i will use connoisseur AB and we will see i have five to six weeks left to go before the test start

what should i do the test with AK 47 or White rhino or hash plant :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
try the ak. i'm really interested in how different any of them are. i try a different type pretty much every time. different conditions and different strains thoug. it's really hard to tell that "the product improved yield". how do you really know? gotta test it out i guess. keep us posted and thank you.


Well-Known Member
ok my fierst test is with ak with GH vs AN and then i will try duch master and fox farm with ak but i think i should do the test two tims for each nuts:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
try the ak. i'm really interested in how different any of them are. i try a different type pretty much every time. different conditions and different strains thoug. it's really hard to tell that "the product improved yield". how do you really know? gotta test it out i guess. keep us posted and thank you.

i will try to keep the conditions the same and veg for the same amount of days then i will do a dry weight test


Active Member
GH Flora Nova Veg/bloom is wut i use mainly. I also have Dyna grow, BC bloom, 2 bottles of Dark Energy,2bottles of Supor Nova. And then i have this bag of green powder???? i dont remember wut is is and the stupid dog ate the cardboard directions, so it never goes into the res anymore. Now i dont use all these at once but given any certain situation i kno i have wut i need for now. I luv my results but everyones opinion will differ when it comes ti this subject. Most of the stuff i get the hydroman gives to me for free. These are not ur normal sample bottles either!!! Huge bottle of ph up/down he gave me. Rooting hormone and everytime i see him he gives me more stuff. Today he gave me sum superthrive!! Reason is cause i live out in the country, his shop is way out i n the country. he doesnt see very many people AT ALL! When i go see him the man seems like he has nothin else to do. He always tellin me bout wuts new, gives me free stuff, GHtshirt(to small though) i wish you guys where here to collect on this free stuff cause i cant take it all. Ill have to start my own nutrient shop!! ok way off subject now and i apologize