harvesting without microscope


New Member
This is my first grow and I am very excited for the harvest but i feel like my girls are taking too long or something. I have these two plants growing that have been flowering now for about 9 going on the 10th week now. I bought a pocket microscope offline but it didnt come with batteries and I am having the hardest time finding ones that fit and work. can someone please help me with what are some tell-tale signs that i would be able to see without a microscope to know that they are ready? or is it possible to still harvest with a little bit of white pistils? i am really tired of waiting and really would like to harvest so I can start a new better cycle this next time around. attached are some pics, any help is appreciated:leaf:Photo on 11-10-13 at 6.49 PM.jpgPhoto on 11-10-13 at 6.50 PM.jpgPhoto on 11-10-13 at 6.51 PM.jpgPhoto on 11-10-13 at 6.51 PM #2.jpg


Well-Known Member
Next time buy a Loop 30x.

The hairs will start to die back and change color.

Do you know what strain? Most hybrids are ready 8-10 weeks


Well-Known Member
Too soon yet as the hairs are still white. wait till they are brown and receding into the calyx and don't chop till the calyx has swelled nere twice it's size then harvest. Btw nice plants they swelled up nice, your close be patient.


Well-Known Member
You can usually tell your getting close when the calyxes begin swelling up enveloping the pistils/hairs. Typically most of the pistils have turned brown by then.


Active Member
looks like the white hairs are still poppin up all over the place - not ready yet. wait until no/few new white hairs develop and the rest shrink back into the calyx. Also If you shine a light on the crystals they should mostly be dull (cloudy) and not shiny or crystal like (clear-not done). Calyx will also swell and get fat when completing. This is Not a good way to tell as you should use magnification to see the trich colors as stated above - but this will get ya close. Yes you can harvest with some white hairs - Usually the bottom buds will still be finishing when the top ones are done. You can harvest the top and do the lowers later or do like me and do it all at once and get a little mix. Good Luck - your close - I'd give it another 10 days if they were mine.


Well-Known Member
You could take a picture, load it to your computer and with a photoshop program enlarge and you will see if they're ready.


Well-Known Member
A rough eye ball method is to wait until ~90% of all pistils are dead/red-brown, but a simple jewelers loop gives you a birds-eye view of a more accurate parameter ext 'done' parameter- tricomes. It is here that you get a more accurate visual clear-cloudy- amber, based on your personal potency preferences/needs

You could get 2-3 different 'highs' based on when you harvest

You could try harvesting in intervals; ~ 2/3 are cloudy, ~ 1/3 @ all cloudy- ~ 1/3 at ~50% amber


Well-Known Member
Harbor Freight......Jewelers Loupe, $5.99......clips right on your eyeglasses. What? no eyeglasses you say? Dollar Tree.....clear glass eyeglasses, $1.