harvesting right now!(today) and need some expert advice please!


hi! im harvesting one of my plants today, its already 9 weeks into flower and its an 8 week indica strain. I took only the top main bud off last week as it was ripe and to let light get to the lower buds!i didnt do the rest of the plant last week because it clearly wasnt ready, the buds hadnt filled out properly and id say only 30% of the hairs had changed colour. Anyway i have already taken a few branches off this morning that looked quite done but when i had a closer look at the other ones, the top buds on the branches are done bud the lower ones still have mostly white hairs and look like the need maybe a few days to a week more growing!

so my questions are:

1. is it ok to have chopped these branches off and leave the other ones to grow for a few days more? or will the buds stop growing due to the stress?

2. on the branches that remain on the plant, the top main buds are as i said done, but the smaller buds look like they need a while more, considering most of the hairs if not all the hairs on them are white. would it be ok to just take the top parts of the branches which are done and leave the lower halfs for a few days under the light?

i need some replies A.S.A.P people so i appreciate the feedback! Peace


Well-Known Member
yes u can. i do it all the time. some plants respond better than others but i always leave my popcorn in the oven for an extra week.


Well-Known Member
hi! im harvesting one of my plants today, its already 9 weeks into flower and its an 8 week indica strain. I took only the top main bud off last week as it was ripe and to let light get to the lower buds!i didnt do the rest of the plant last week because it clearly wasnt ready, the buds hadnt filled out properly and id say only 30% of the hairs had changed colour. Anyway i have already taken a few branches off this morning that looked quite done but when i had a closer look at the other ones, the top buds on the branches are done bud the lower ones still have mostly white hairs and look like the need maybe a few days to a week more growing!

so my questions are:

1. is it ok to have chopped these branches off and leave the other ones to grow for a few days more? or will the buds stop growing due to the stress?

2. on the branches that remain on the plant, the top main buds are as i said done, but the smaller buds look like they need a while more, considering most of the hairs if not all the hairs on them are white. would it be ok to just take the top parts of the branches which are done and leave the lower halfs for a few days under the light?

i need some replies A.S.A.P people so i appreciate the feedback! Peace
As long as you still have enough healthy fan leaves, you can totally let the bottom finish. If most of the leaves have dropped you may not get great results.


Well-Known Member
I just read an article on on here from subcool where he states he chops the tops and leave the rest for 10-14 days. Trying to find link...


Great question - I'm nearly in the same boat, but I just looked at my trichomes and they ARE not ready yet. I'm no expert, but the hairs are not the tell tale sign - it is the trichomes, from what I've read. See these links - https://www.rollitup.org/advanced-marijuana-cultivation/353534-trichomes-explained.html and one I just posted on Eyeclops - https://www.rollitup.org/harvesting-curing/353917-eyeclops-trichomes.html

Had I harvested when the "hairs" where turning amber - it would have been to early. I had hairs turning from clear to opaque to amber a few weeks ago (I'm 7 weeks in). Since that day a few weeks ago, the buds have filled out, I added more side lighting and have new "hair" growth everyday. HOWEVER - over 90% of the triches are still clear (on the main colas). The thread "thrichomes explained" says that you could/should harvest ~when 1/3 to 1/2 the trichomes turn to opaque (cloudy) and or amber.

I am going to begin flushing for a week (at current water useage that is two waterings) - then I'm going to top the main colas from each branch, then feed for a week (nutes and molasses), then flush and harvest the remainder of the plant.

My plants sound very similar to yours Delboy21. Main colas are maturing, but "under buds" are a week-and-a-half behind main colas. I've read on this site that doing this is fine, but it may depens on a number of factors. I suggest using a sterile cutting utensile while topping it.

Good Luck!!!