Harvesting question, about shake.


Well-Known Member
So i just cut these ladies down four days ago. And i am saving the shake. I have left it on to dry, but now its starting to curl around the buds. I am worried that the fan will not be as effective to dry the buds, and maybe subject to mold or rot. should i cut these leaves off and screen dry them?

thanks :)



Well-Known Member
i'd definently remove the leaves, better airflow = quicker dry just make sure to keep temps moderatly low. Can't put those trimmings it in a cup or saucer on a screen to dry? Every leaf i've cut from my plant so far, i have sitting in a dish inside my cabinet with another dish on top allowing them to dry.

Any reason to keep them on besides extra weight? No reason you can't trim and dry them seperately to make hash.

Then again i havn't harvested yet, and this is my first grow.....


Well-Known Member
actually i was just going to smoke it. I was thinking it might be a really mellow smoke..... I will cut and screen dry. Thanks folkes!


Well-Known Member
its harder to trim dry leaves on buds ( unless ur goin to use the glove method booo i dont liek this way ) just cut them and place to dry in a box or paper bag


Well-Known Member
Yeah i trimmed them up after hanging for three days. And it was ALOT harder to trim them this way. Anyway, think i got some good shake there...