Harvesting On A Full Moon? Extra Harvest?


Well-Known Member
Is that a poly in the first pic?

Have you heard history channel has lost all credibility? First the aquatic apes mermaid bullshit the pulled...now they caught Bigfoot but it got out.. And I quote "I thought you locked the cage" wtf!? Have they already explained all of history and are running out of shit now it's just current events?
history has gone to hell, but it makes some good stoner watching material!


Well-Known Member
history has gone to hell, but it makes some good stoner watching material!
I suppose I'm just not into the past so much. The basics are great don't get me wrong, but when the main source of history to the masses starts making shit up I figure we all got it. Maybe I'm just addicted to a good sativa and caffeine enemas and that makes me resent all tv. To hear history channels is pumping out shut makes the outdoors all more appealing.

At the same time don't get me started on