

Well-Known Member
If it needs more time, it needs more time! A lot of people here have a really good sense of when someone might be pulling too early or waiting too long.

So if someone asks for opinions, don't you think he wants to hear 'em?


Active Member
dick head is a dick head. Am stating a fact that a plant might be completely done and some moron says another week or two and every one else jumps on the band wagon and says the same shit or varies it slightly on this site . Don't know what a troll is but if telling it how it is makes you a troll, that's all well and good. moron is a bigby moron.

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
bigby? Lolz, I had to look it up.

Bigby is an archmage in the fictional World of Greyhawk campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy roleplaying game.


You can kick and scream all you like, bunko's buds still won't be done.
Somehow I suspect that I've been around/smoking pot, longer than you've been alive.

Pay attention and learn, young padawan.


Well-Known Member
From the pic in the first post it still needs more time at least 2 weeks from the time that pic was taken. As was said in an earlier post get a 30X jewelers loop and look for the trichs to go from clear to cloudy then some amber then it is time to flush and pull them. Keep feeding them until they are ready to pull then give them 3-7 day flush is you like.


Active Member
i would say 3 weeks more, in fact i think you should wait until another 30 people tell you to check the trichs under a loupe and tell you that they go from clear to cloudy to amber and you should harvest when mostly cloudy with a few amber which will be pretty soon. In fact wait until then and then wait another 2 weeks to make sure , then dry it for 2 weeks then put the buds in mason jars, burp 3 times a day for 6 months and in 2014 if it's not covered in mould you should smell it and put it back in the jar until 2016 . Then it'll be ready to smoke . just my 2 cents.

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
Here's something you can refer to kid.

The calyxes have just begun to swell on this plant, that alone tells me she has another 7 days to go.
To harvest any earlier would be a waste of good pot.


(Shameless aren't I?)

Patience is critical in the last few weeks.

Have fun growing.


Well-Known Member
dick head is a dick head. Am stating a fact that a plant might be completely done and some moron says another week or two and every one else jumps on the band wagon and says the same shit or varies it slightly on this site . Don't know what a troll is but if telling it how it is makes you a troll, that's all well and good. moron is a bigby moron.

More hate. How does it feel? Are you angry now? Want to hug? Maybe that'l make you feel better. Bless you, poor little sufferer.


Well-Known Member
bigby? Lolz, I had to look it up.

Bigby is an archmage in the fictional World of Greyhawk campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy roleplaying game.

You couldn't be more wrong! I am actually a thankful village in Lincolnshire! Except when I play my retro video games, at which point I become a professional NFL player! :-P

*edit* - reason for editing "wouldn't want to cause an innocent Harvard Professor and problems"

Disclaimer - I am not Professor Bigby of Harvard University! LMFAO