im a newbie to growing but have grown 2 before, one tasted like crap n the other died cause i forgot about it lol but have got another one growing now which the seed was a feminized one my mate gave me, it has been growing out side in the lovely british weather lol for about 4 months now but not to sure... think i smoke to much
but has been budding up for ruffly 4 weeks now but only the tops are budding rite up and do look ready to prune but the rest of the plant is struggling to bud and isnt nowere near fully budded. was wondering if i could prune the ready top buds and leave the rest to grow? as i dnt wanna keep it growing and they go mouldy or die as they look perfect! if u know a lot about growing u can prob tell that i havent got a clue how to grow, i just planted it in a pot and progrest in size of pot through out and just watered near enough every day thats all i did wanted to just flick some seeds in the ground n come back when there done but have learnt now that this cant be done. so any advise would be great, cheers