
Lots of online articles debating the issue. I know my plants are always stickier and stinkier approaching full moon.
Some say harvest then, others say harvest at new moon when there is less uptake of fluids for faster dry time.
It's tough to limit yourself to a few days a month, go by the trichomes.
There are some advantges to using the moon for sowing seeds, transplanting etc.

never harvest on a foul moon, or on odd days in the am, after 11 is ok but not preferred. Also try not to eat apples the day before
You gotta be kidding me …

edit: and I’m pretty sure it’s foul moon btw.
So you’ve never heard of gardening by the moon? Have a read of the article I posted, you may even learn something new, you never know. Or you could decide to give it a miss and continue being unhelpful and sarcastic.
So you’ve never heard of gardening by the moon? Have a read of the article I posted, you may even learn something new, you never know. Or you could decide to give it a miss and continue being unhelpful and sarcastic.

It’s not the 1900’s anymore. We have power and LED lighting now.
So you’ve never heard of gardening by the moon? Have a read of the article I posted, you may even learn something new, you never know. Or you could decide to give it a miss and continue being unhelpful and sarcastic.
I’m gonna go with the unhelpful / sarcastic.
Mother Nature grew my outdoor almost 7 feet tall, then killed them with frost about 2 weeks into flower.

Such a great system
You hate a bite ay? Each to their own opinion on where and how to grow their own weed. You don’t need to be sarcastic all the time, maybe your ego is too big, try and be a bit nicer. Maybe spend some less time online posting negative comments.