Harvest Window?


Well-Known Member
Yes, but a full blown microscopic image isn't necessary to get an idea of trichome maturity. But then again my eyes are good enough to see them if I get the bud steady enough.


Well-Known Member
I was just saying that budget buds was in fact correctly naming what he was describing. Unless phones now have microscopes? That would rule.


Well-Known Member
The word macro means big, whereas the word micro mean small. So how is it that these two terms related?

If the subject you are photographing is small and you want to make it look big, you end up with a “macro” view of a “micro” subject. exploding or enlarging a photo.
this is a micro

dont get caught in semantics. its not about what you can see with the naked eye. or using a scope. but the macro lens does show excellent detail so that you can enlarge the photo


Here's as close as I can get. First is sativa.
Second is the hybrid.1438873028030.jpg
And finally the indica. This is of a lower branch as its hard to get pictures of the top. Is this okay or do I need to try a little harder?


As a side note, I can look at pics of these all day. This is my third grow, but first one near as beautiful as this.


Active Member
Man I don't agree with the 50/50 cloudy/clear
Clear trichs aren't matured yet and you don't want them
Usually the best window to get is when it's 80% cloudy, 15% clear and 5% amber
Depending on how you want your high, adjust the ratios by no more than 15%
A zoomer would be useful for you man I highly recommend getting one


I'm looking for 50\50 cloudy and Amber. But I just don't know what I'm looking for in these pics. Maybe I'm just not getting close enough but I can't tell the differences in the trichs. Damnrd tricky trichs.


I'm doing some fresh pics today because this first one is starting to worry me. I read that swollen cakyxes is a good sign of harvest window and this seems to fit the bill. But I'm noob so here's pics for confirmation. This first one is the one I'm expecting to be soon and is the indica. Pics are from all over the plant but some are closed to each other than others.


This last one I have affectionatly named pinky. She's heavy as hell way too tall and leaning all over the place. I know the picture quality on these aren't great but I'm pretty sure miss pinky and the herm are still a little ways off. And she's leaning away from me and making it hard for me to get pics.
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Well-Known Member
I'd wait at least 2 more weeks, the bud your showing still seems like it should fatten up a little more and some of the pistils are still a bright white some of them haven't even started to turn brown yet that is also a helpful indicator as to when to harvest!


I'd wait at least 2 more weeks, the bud your showing still seems like it should fatten up a little more and some of the pistils are still a bright white some of them haven't even started to turn brown yet that is also a helpful indicator as to when to harvest!
Thank you for the reply. The first one has a bunch of fat calyxes though it does have quite few red hairs. I'm worried because I'm noticing what looks like a bunch of red crystals in the pics. The other two I know are still a few weeks off.


Sorry about the delay guys. It's been crazy here the past few days so I haven't had a chance to take pics. I promise to try to upload some tonight. I'm pretty sure my small one is done so she will likely be the focus