Harvest Window?


I had another thread, but it got a little off track. As of today I noticed that all three of my plants have started using a lot less water. Where my general feedings would only keep the soil wet a day and a half, this one is pushing on three. I'm also noticing some rapid nutrient deficiencies in at least one of my plans, even though it's lignt deficiency in most areas. My last thread was saying three weeks at the start of this week, but I figured I'd start posting my pictures here to get a clearer idea of when I should be harvesting. I hope posters will keep coming back to look over my baby's and guide me in the right direction. Pictures from yesterday to follow, since my girls are sleeping right now.


These might actually be a day or two older than I've suggested. I'll make to post new pics tonight after my girls wake up.


This is about as close as I can get with my phone. All I'm able to see is what looks like 80-90% cloudy on most of the trichs.


I need to try and label my pictures better too. I'm pretty sure I'm growing three different breeds. One sative dominate, one indica dominate and one hybrid.


This is the first one. She's most likely a sativa dominate as she's forced me to push one of my sets of lights to the roof with how tall she is. She's very heavy and I have some minor issues keeping her standing.1438869949730.jpg


This one's in the middle. It's some sort of strange hermaphrodite that formed a couple of ball sacks then started budding and I never saw any more bàll sacks so I let it survive. I suspect this one being a hybrid as she's more bushy than the sativa and way taller than the indica. I use some of her lower branches to hold some of the extremely heavy sativa branches up.1438869957981.jpg
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This last one is my favorite. I suspect her being mostly Indica as she's very short and bushy. I say she's my pride because she started the production that was visible to the naked eye very early. Also she smells... Amazing.
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Well-Known Member
I am pretty much a noob but from what I read on here all the time, the trichomes are the best way to determine when they are ready to harvest and without a better close up of them, I think it would be difficult to judge. If you haven't got a jewellers scope then maybe post a pic from further back to see how they look on the whole? Just my 2 cents.

Budget Buds

Well-Known Member
I cant see your trichs man , Harvesting is also personal preference , Some people like a clearer upbeat high so they harvest a little eariler when the trichs are mostly clear. Some people like a 50-50 buzz so they harvest with a 50% clear/cloudy , And then you get those people that want to be glued to the couch and they will harvest when there are lots of amber . What kind of person are you ? Can you get a macro shot of the trichs?


I don't want bud that I can't sleep on. But I don't want bus that locks me either. I just wana get as high as possible and be able to enjoy it. Play some video games or go for a drive. Thats why I say 50\50


Well-Known Member
USB Microscope or a jewelers loupe. Best way to make sure you ain't wasted your time, efforts and money the last 3 months

Budget Buds

Well-Known Member
A macro shot is a picture of an up close and in detail of something small, your smart phone or camera ( if it's newer) should have a setting for it. 50/50 is usually a happy medium for most people, aim for a rough 50 % clear and 50% cloudy with an amber sporadically thrown in :) BB