Harvest While Wet?


Ok It's been raining alot ... my plants are ready and well its due to rain more .. .should I hold out for sun, or cut 'em shake the water off a bunch and trim 'em up?



Active Member
how much more rain are you gonna get? if you don't have a risk for mold id say hold off and let them dry out a bit cuz if you chop now you may even encounter mold while drying.


at least another 40mm .... I already plucked one moldy bud yesterday need to get home earlier so I can see the bastards! :)


you can harvest while its raining it really wont make a diffrence. i did so myself to avoid my plants from being weighed down and breaking. just shkae them off and have a good drying spot! good luck!!


Active Member
Id cut them down. I just harvested all of my plant over the last 4 days and its been pouring down rain each day since then. They might have been able to go another 5 days or so but my WhiteRhinos started getting mold all over my nice tops and I didnt want to risk the same thing happening to my blueberries so Ive been cutting everything down. Better to get them in a couple days early instead of loosing all kinds of bud to rot. By the way this is the first time ive brought my weed in wet and it hasnt had any effects on it drying.


Well-Known Member
Get a fan or a heater or something to dry the water fast or the mold will just keep spreading.

Don't cook it, but get the surface dry asap.



Active Member
im in the northwest, been rainy foggy, i had a canopy up, two weeks ago i broke both ankles, my grandson harvested for me, it was starting to get mold from all the dmpness
got a good return 5-6 lbs, still drying, only lost a small bit from mold yeah