harvest weight


Well-Known Member
just curious my main cola on my plant weighted in at 14 grams wet. it has been drying for 1 day and it weights 7 grams. how much weight will a bud lose in the first night of drying?


Well-Known Member
its a autoflowering strain called low girl. the plant didnt get that tall but i think i may have gotten a 1/4 out of it.


Active Member
The slower you dry the less wight you loose. I try to keep my temp at 72 humidity about 40%. Also I only cut fan leaves on the initial harvest then 48 hours I go back thru with a trim. But that slow dry will help a bit.


Well-Known Member
thnx for the advice guys! my buds turned out pretty decent smoke. when i cure in jars will that adjust the buds moisture from the inside makin the outside a little moist? the outsides of the buds r really dry .