Harvest time is here please help.


New Member
so I messed up a while back. My Bud leaves started dying a while back so I trimmed the back now what was left is now also dying and looks like it's going to be hard to turn from the b my Bugli started dying a while back so I trimmed the back now what was left is now also dying and looks like it's going to be hard to trim from the bud, I want to have a good finished product it doesn't taste like shit I'm only about 55 days in the flower stage any help thoughts or opinions will be greatly appreciated. By the way I was watering a little hot I do not have any mites or anything like that I'm sure..



Well-Known Member
What are you needing help with hommie:confused: looks a tad nute burnt other then that they look good.. do you know the specifics on the strain your running:confused: or is it bag seed:confused: more info:confused: also, what type of buzz are you looking for, a couch lock or speedy uppy high:confused: it all depends on what your plants trichomes are looking like as to when I would harvest.


New Member
I just wanted to make sure the brown wasn't going to hurt my stuff. And it's OG kush bag seed lol and I been off nutes on this plant since 1.5 weeks ago

Anon Emaus

Well-Known Member
That could also be light burn, it looks really burnt. What size light are you using and how close it is? I'd expect some light bleaching though too, which I'm not seeing so maybe it was the nutes. There's really nothing you can do now, just don't overfeed anymore. The leaves won't grow back, what's done is done. Don't feed any more and just let her finish, do a really good long cure and it shouldn't be too bad of a smoke.


Well-Known Member
She looks super burnt. Might as well chop her now and start over.

I see you're using CFL?

In the future you can keep your plants shorter and bushier by keeping the CFL within one to two inches of your plant, otherwise you're wasting the potential of your light.

Anon Emaus

Well-Known Member
Feed I mean as in nutes..Moshe is at 55 days.. Should I keep up with the nutes?
Yeah thats what i mean by feed. I've never grown in soil, but am under the impression some soils have nutes in them so if your soil has no nutes then yes you should feed. There's no point in starving your plant, especially in the last weeks when she will bulk up a lot.


New Member
She looks super burnt. Might as well chop her now and start over.

I see you're using CFL?

In the future you can keep your plants shorter and bushier by keeping the CFL within one to two inches of your plant, otherwise you're wasting the potential of your light.
Yeah thats what i mean by feed. I've never grown in soil, but am under the impression some soils have nutes in them so if your soil has no nutes then yes you should feed. There's no point in starving your plant, especially in the last weeks when she will bulk up a lot.
Chop her down really???


Well-Known Member
Its a major issue and will affect the weight and quality of the harvest. No leaves = light weight and a crap smoke in general. Its very important not to overfeed right from the beginning to avoid having no leaves left at a crucial time flowering and late flowering. The leaves are drawing energy into the buds so they can develop.
Currently i have a nice big G13 with a few weeks to go that is green from top to bottom with buds everywhere, no burning not even the tips of leaves.

The real "food" for your plant is light. Your plant produces energy from light through a process known as photosynthesis, which is most effective when the plant has healthy green leaves.

Your leaves are like solar panels, and the energy produced by the leaves is used as energy for the whole plant. You need the leaves to be in tip-top shape to get the most energy from the lights, so your plant has plenty of energy to grow and produce buds.

Therefore, the biggest problem with nutrient burn is the fact that you are losing leaf mass and overall leaf robustness on your cannabis plant.

A little nute burn won't slow down your plants much, if at all, but if nute burn is left out of control, you will begin to lose serious leaf mass and it will dramatically slow down plant growth and reduce your overall yields.

What's worse, if excess nutrients are not flushed out of the plant's system before harvest, the buds may contain trace amounts of extra nutrients, giving the buds an unpleasant chemical-like taste. Speaking of the flowering stage.