harvest time for my friend

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Well-Known Member
You are a loser, and a thief. We are not wannabe growers, you are!!! HAve you ever even grown anything, probably not??? If you stole my shit I would fuck you up, and Ihope your "friend" finds out your intentions and does the same!!!


Well-Known Member
this guy should be locked up. i would say he deserves to be hanged saddam style, but this is a rather petty crime and not worth his life. but what a fucked up topic. late fuckin moron.


New Member
What kind of piece of shit reads the first and last replys on a whole post and makes a fool of himself when he goes to say something..... YOU!! :clap:

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
Just ignore him - IF he needed help on growing then fair enough, but this forum's for growing your OWN MJ...NOT how best to steal somebody else's!

Let him rant then hopefully he'll crawl back into whichever swamp he came out of

oh yeah, i'm guessing you didn't nick his stuff then Skunk?


New Member
well if you would have looked through the other pages i already said it was a joke for my own humor.... but if you want to belive i did it thats ok because that is more funny to see mroe of you all pissed off... bongsmiliebongsmilie:joint:bongsmilie

Big P

Well-Known Member
fuck! it was a joke?!? fuck! after reading your post i decided to follow your lead and rob my grandmothers house

now i feel like a jerk:roll: sorry gamma


but for real if you had a friend who was really that dumb to believe that story he may deserve what he gets:dunce::dunce:

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
I thought that this was a site for serious growers. Isn't there some way to keep children out of here? I've been quite disappointed at all the childish, pointless posts that have popped up lately, and this one is one of the worst.

This child has probably never even seen weed, much less smoked any. Take my advice and go back to the sandbox before you get hurt kid.


New Member
ya before i get hurt wouldnt want that you gunna search me down and beat me up? oh no, and once again it wasnt for your amusement it was for mine and you are doing good right now :blsmoke:anything else ???


my friend is harvesting 8 NYC diesel plants that he has been growing under 2 600 watters... he asked me to come over and help him trim and he would give me a few buds.. I am feeling greedy though.. should i just wait till he goes to the bathroom and take everything that is on the table... which will be ALOT and run out the back door and when he calls say i had a family emergency and i dont know what happened to the herb???????? ANswer me soon i need tips he wants to trim tonight:weed::arrow::?::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:

okay so let me get this straight. your FRIEND had the decency to show you his growroom, all of his equipment, all of his time and hard work, all of his buds (NOTICE HOW IM SAYING HIS NOT YOURS) and THEN on top of it all, invites you over for a harvest party (which i consider to be the best kind of party, especially to be INVITED to), offers you a few nugs for FREE and you want to fucking steal his buds? either im in a bad mood or your a total dick dude. you wouldnt be any friend of mine neg rep in my own mind for you bud,i hope your friend sees the con you are before he gets himself screwed for it


Well-Known Member
WTF? What if your ran to get a burger and when you came back your old lady was pregnant? #1 punkbitch


its funny i posted then i re read and he says its a joke lol it isnt a joke he got flamed and now hes backing out, 10 yr old punk i hope your friend knocks you the fuck out and gives you nothing

Big P

Well-Known Member
i think what he was saying "between the lines" of his original post, is that his friend is so much of a dilhole moron that he could actually do somthing like that and actually pull it off.

I imagine he went and helped said friend. and got some weed for his trouble.

it makes you wonder to think would it not be easyer to convince said moron friend to donate more of said crop to said trimming helper, but im sure thats exactly what said poster really did

Years of dealin with women has taught me how to read minds, so yes, i am a mind reader


Well-Known Member
i'm with you lilczr, i wish we could weed out the little punk bitch kids that have posting alot lately...this site is for serious growers only! and skunk, fuck yourself bitch, i've grown more dank bud than you've every seen in your pathetic 13 yr life!! you must be a huge loser with no friends to try and humor yourself with obsurd stories, fuck off....
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