harvest soon?


Well-Known Member
okay heres the deal i have one set of plants way the heck out in the woods the last time i checked on them was augest 15th when i went up there i removed all the males i could find/ 3 out of the ten some of em didnt have any sex the rest where females just starting out...its coming up on a cold fall so should i harvest them before the frost sets in or should i wait out a week before i do the trek out into the woods? i dont want to go out there ready to harvest and see a bunch of white hairs...


Well-Known Member
walk to the woods a few times its good exercise.

As for the plants i would w8 as long as possible untill most the hairs dye and only a few remain , ofcourse its hard to just say ,but the buds will look swollen and you willl know when its ready , just dont do it too early.

Smucker G

Active Member
Sounds like you have some time to go. If you checked 4 weeks ago and still couldnt determine sex I would guess you have at least a couple weeks to go. Take the hike if they aint ready you can at least snip you a little sample to make it worth the walk.
Good luck. Bring a camera so we get to see some pics.


Active Member
yes i would definatly would take the hike,,and if just showing sex 4weeks ago, then you've got a bit of time yet ..im saying at least 3-4weeks if it doesnt get to cold..


Well-Known Member
ill guess ill play the stupid game of trying to figure out if its to soon or not ill go up there today and ill post some pics


Is it just me or does it seem like our plants are taking forever to 'bud up' this year?

I am begining to worry about frost in BC too.


Well-Known Member
From the sounds of it I'd say 3-5 weeks more also as frost settles there are things you can do to keep then safe but it requires daily work


Tell me what can be done. I am willing to try anything if it looks like frost may settle here soon. Daily work I can do!!! :)


Well-Known Member
walk to the woods a few times its good exercise.

As for the plants i would w8 as long as possible untill most the hairs dye and only a few remain , ofcourse its hard to just say ,but the buds will look swollen and you willl know when its ready , just dont do it too early.

you really wait till all the hairs die ??