Harvest ready?


It's money maker from strainhunters (9 weeks 1 day old). I'm thinking to let it go till weekend but the buds keep swelling every day like crazy. For the last 10 days not much happened (maybe due to high temps?; it's been 36-38 outside most of time) and suddenly buds started to grow so much :)
I'm kinda not sure when to harvest it then. Does that rapid growth indicate to let it go more ?

The cristals are clody/clear on the buds. On the surrownding leaves there are a lot of amber ones.




Well-Known Member
You can definitely start to flush them with water for 5 to 7 days, it will improve the taste quite a lot. If you ask other Members here, I'm quite sure they will agree on this final step.
Ps: very nice plants.


Misguided Angel
What does flushing do? Why would you deplete the plant of food when it needs it most?
Without starting a pissing match I will agree with you! If you are having issues with over fertilizing your plants then by all means give them a good flush, if not carry on as usual. A nice slow dry and cure are the most important part, I believe most of the issues people attribute to not flushing are a result of too fast of drying and curing. Have not flushed in many years and the only difference I have noticed is a bigger yield.


Well-Known Member
Ya I know. They were loaded questions. Sometimes I like to get people to think about what they are doing and why instead of just passing on bs.

Besides CA is in a drought. Nobody in CA should be flushing. LOL


Well, I cut on fertilizer but didn't stop using it. I just do it less often and with smaller amount. The plants look healthy, there is not much yellowing going on so I guess there is still food in the soil.

After reading all the debates about flush or not I just decided not to do it. Just give a plant what it needs and reduce the amount of fertilizers in the end :) (and not stop using it completely)


Thanks, I already read a lot about trichomes. Problem is that I'm being retarded and have hard time saying whether the stuff I'm looking at is milky or still clear LOL. I think that after first finished grow I'll have some more experience and ease in recognizing it :)

I THINK they're mostly cloudy now on buds with the exception of new formed flowers where they're clear. On the sugar leaves there is a LOT of amber already.

I'm keeping it for a few more days to week I guess - that's what the guts tell me and some people here :)
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Little update. Stuff gets bigger every day. I'll letting it go more :). Some heavy yellowing of leaves occured.