Harvest Ready? Photos

This is a 2 month old Americana; growing in the hot SoCal sunshine seems to have stunted it a bit, plant is about 2.5 feet.

After a week away, I came back to my once healthy plant bitten and chewed to pieces. This is the second and last plant I am going to grow outdoors.

The fan leaves are deteriorating rapidly.

The buds are small and covered in caterpillar poop, so at best I am thinking I can try to make some (SMALL) hash with it.

Is it the hot summer inducing flowering and stunting growth?



Active Member
Just curious did you use any form of insect control? How big is the cola? It looks like it would have been a nice plant. i bet you made a lot of caterpillars very happy lol
I do see a lot of amber trichs and swollen calyx.

I'd chop.
I sprayed them with Pyrethrum about a week ago so I may wait a few days, but at this point, I am not quite sure it would matter.

The low yeild pattern is pissing me off, but maybe these plants will grow better outdoors in the winter here. I am pretty close to the beach, so maybe the grow cycle will be longer?