
I am leaving on vacation, planned well before i decided to grow, on sat. Today is day 63 flowering. they look great. my question is, If i left them and didnt harvest until i got back, ill be gone a week, would it hurt them in any way? 1. no one will be here to check them for a week 2. they will get no water or anything for a week. i was planning on harvest this wed. but if they would be ok for another week, i may leave them . i have 2 friends that have seen the plants and offered their opinion. First friend stated that i should pull them TODAY he said they look well done. My other friend said they could wait and would be ok. The plants are healthy and the buds are nice a big and really packed tight. Advice please.


Well-Known Member
With no pictures and what the information you gave us, it's going to depend on what your capabilities are. Do you have a good drying environment, or are you just hanging them in a closet at room temperature? If you have the ability for a good environment, I would pull down on Friday night and dial in your environment before you leave. There is always the chance that you may come back and everything dried to quickly, so make sure your room is cold (around 65º) and it should fine for the week. However, if your plants are skinny they may not make it the full week and dry out too fast regardless of the temp. Now, if you just plan on letting them hang in a room thats 70º+ and don't have the ability to dial in a good drying environment, then I might consider cutting down now or tomorrow and having the next few days to do a very quick dry/cure process. If you trust your buddies, maybe they will burp some of your jars/bags for you while you're gone, so they don't dry out or get mold, depending on how you would store them.


Well-Known Member
Ill be honest, the whole harvest thing isn't as complicated as some make it. Just make sure their is enough air circulation and low enough humidity that it won't mold. I wouldn't dry them quick, just let them dry over about a week and then jar them.


Well-Known Member
Yeah best not to put in jars to quickly... let air dry nice and slow and jar after 7-10 days.
Yep, if the stems don't snap then they are still too wet and the buds will soften back up if in a container and could cause mold. Whenever you do jar its best to check them in about 8 - 10 hours to see if they re-moistened too much. The Integra Boost 2 way humidity packs can be used in your jars to help mitigate this issue during curing, I think the 62% is just about right for a cure. I don't recommend the Boveda packs because they seem to suck the aroma out of your weed.


Well-Known Member
I like to pretty much hang to dry until it’s dry enough to hardly even have to burp the jars although I still do (so I can sleep at night) for the first few days at least. But you have to dry slow ... I like 68-70 temps and 55-60 humidity with plenty of indirect air movement for a slow dry. Even the smoke after drying is not bad I find, at least with most strains I’ve grown (not many). After 10 days, which I like to aim for, the outside of the buds are crispy but inside you can feel it’s not when you squeeze slightly. Whether they go in the jar a little wet or a little dry the moisture inside the bud will hydrate, so to speak, the outside of the bud once dry and crispy. If it goes in wet you will have to burp more and be diligent on checking for Mold. I find it can happen a lot easier than people think! I like to jar it a little drier... but make sure I dry slow and bud moisture almost has been equalized. Then no real need to burp..... other than sleeping at night of course

ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
I say leave them til you get back.... and if your buddies have seen your plants how come they cant come water them for you.