I know it's not good to harvest your buds too early, is there anything detrimental about letting them go too long? (I mean other than - You have to wait longer to smoke them! 

From my understanding, the plant will eventually go out of its peak harvest window, and start a growth spurt. apparently during this time, THC becomes much less potent. Not sure of more details but thats pretty much it as far as I know, maybe someone else can leave some input too.
this is half way true. Going on the notion that everyones "peak potency" is different based on their personal opinion of how stoned/high that particular strain will get them when harvested at week X, this theory is 100% accurate.
But in actuality the plant will never "lose" any potency or THC, it will just mature into molecules that may not provide the desired effect by that particular individual.
Ive heard people tell me "all it did was make me real tired" when they have let their shit go for longer than they planned to. This led them to think that they fucked up and allowed the plant to start to break down the THC into new growth....well this is impossible. In all reality, they just allowed their plant to mature and the THC molecules started becoming CBDs' and CBNs' that they did not plan on ingesting. They "head buzz" is what they may have been going for, but surpassed that level of potency before the harvest took place.
So my answer to the OPs' question is no, there will be no ill effects in allowing your plant to grow longer than intended. The only time i would forsee a problem is if you simply let the plant die and dry without harvesting it. This would open the door to tons of rot issues.
Thanx. That's a very satisfactory answer to the questions I was having.