Harvest or What? (Pics)


CIMG1493.jpgCIMG1496.jpgCIMG1489.jpgCIMG1484.jpgCIMG1501.jpgCIMG1491.jpgCIMG1494.jpgOk here are the two remaining plants of my first grow. I orginally started off with 9 plants. 6 plants were Northern Lights feminized, and 3 were some Swag seedlings I got from a friend. After keeping these plants inside in my closet grow room under 5 CFL's I reliazed something was wrong. My plants weren't getting enough ventilation, or nutrients. I think the roots were also choking due to a poor choice of potting soil, and pots. So after seeing my plants struggle to grow. I moved them outside in early September. Planting them in a patteren around my house and checking on them once in a while, and watering them. Only 2 of the 9 plants made it, and here is my problem. I dont know whether these plants are Northern Lights or just the Swag plants. I know they are both female. Its October 13th, and there are both budding. Im in the midwest and it stays about 65-74 outside most of the time. My question is will these plants bud much bigger? Or should I just harvest the bigger plant and wait for my smaller plant to bud up more? The one bigger plant has a decent amount of buds on it, but I dont think its ready. Im just worried about getting them harvested before the first freeze. In Oklahoma the weather can drastically change. Any tips on waiting for more buds or to just harvest my 1 plant will help me! Please this was my first grow attempt so, I learned from my mistakes.


Pictures aren't very clear and they don't look like they have much on them. Do you have a scope to check the trichomes?. Have the hairs turned red? If you are worried about the cold you could always cover them with a makeshift tent at night, they are small and it would be pretty easy. The ground looks really dry too.


I know sorry for pics not being very clear. Im just wanting to know will they bud up alot more? Should I wait several more weeks for them to grow? And im in oklahoma so it always looks like that trust me they get water it just rained the other day. and covering them in a tent wouldnt be smart considering i live in the middle of a town less than a mile from the police station.


Active Member
I am in the midwest as well, I just harvested my outdoor plants. I did use a scope to check the trichomes and they were all milky white with some being amber. From your pics I dont really think its going to matter, The one plant seems to have some bud, but the other I can only see one small popcorn bud........they look pretty scrawny:(, sorry. If you waiting for the buds to get bigger, STOP....I dont think they are. I would go ahead and cut, dry, cure what you have and enjoy. There's always next time

Stl matt


If they aren't ready I'd let them grow. You didn't say if you were using any fertilizer. I know all too well about Oklahoma, lived there for years and you got balls to grow there. I see leaves on the ground so you are probably somewhere in the eastern part of the state. Are they too big to cover with a five gallon bucket at night? I'd let them grow the last few weeks is when they swell and put on the biggest portion.


Ok I think I will let them both grow for at least two more weeks. And if I hear about cold weather I will cover them. Thanks guys. Also how long do I need to wait for them to dry and cure? I plan on haning them on a hangar in my closet for about a week.