harvest or let the mites keep raping?


hey got a spidermite problem thats certaintly not gettn better as the days go on. Have got a treatment but if i use now ill be recieving the same dose as them as im about 1to 1 1/2 weeks out from pulln. will i loose much yield if i pull now or should i wait it out and let them keep attackin n infestn so she is fully mature???


Active Member
make sure you clean your whole area with bleach after harvest...floor to ceiling, every little corner, lights, resivours, trays EVERYTHING...those little fuckers will live forever on 1 tiny little leaf tucked in the corner.....then bomb the room with a few bombs..make sure your 100% mite free b4 you start another grow!


Well-Known Member
Ok, maybe. I never had luck with them, and they are nasty. Here is what works... A vacuume. I use a handheld Oreck and suck the bastards right off the buds. Check every day with a magnifier, if i see one, I suck up.. It does not seem to harm the bud at all, and it does not suck up trichs. It's the only thing working for me, and I have had them bad and tried everything. And I am a neat/clean freak in the growroom.


cheers guys i love the sound of the vaccum idea havent thought or seen anyone else try it will give it a shot


Well-Known Member
haha the vacume a friend of mine got a huge infestation right @ end of flower.. im talking web cone and all.. and he pulled out the shop vac on them things.. haha