I personally like Rock, But when I needed Music For the Videos I went Rap Just Because Lyrically Rap Tends to have more Bud smoking and Glorification songs.... Ty Rocks
Ahh Vaporizers ....No it's not smoke (like a campfire) It's vapor (think "Steam")
Vaporized weed has a smell to it but It's not like Normal Burnt weed Most folks Don't recognize the smell..... And If you hold the vapor in long enough there is no smell at all, as all the vapor is absorbed into your lungs
I want to get another house (desktop) Version too.... I miss my China Vape ..
It started out neither for stealth Or for Health (tho the thought of less second hand smoke in the home was nice)
I was just curious to see what they did ...That curiosity Got me My China Vape, And Well Now I love vapor..... I went some weeks awhile back where I didn't Use my Vapes at all..... I Very Literally got Vapor Cravings ..Smoke Just wasn't what I wanted, All I wanted was the nice Hashy Minty Tasting Vapor Hit lol.... Every Now and then I still get a craving for vapor Instead of Smoke.... It's kinda weird, But Vapor Is good .....
Ya those stupid Ph Drops Had My Ph High For the longest time ....a Whole Number or two off when checked against the digi pen >.<
A ph Between 5.5 and 6.5 is good...... a lil out of that range is ok but not for too long ie...if i see my Ph Is 5.0 and I have a day left till water change I won't mess with it if I can avoid it.... Plants don't like the Ph Swinging Game But they Put up with Gradual PH drift Just fine
I would really like to see the pics

...At the top of this quick reply bar There are the tools that Bold your txt and Underline it ect....The Globe with the Chain Piece Is for Links and right next to that Is the button to import pictures (you may have used that I don't know... I will it try Myself Here just to make sure)
A Lbs Of Buds

Places I've Been

Ultra Light Backpacking

Massive Glaciers Have Been Here Before
You can see A channel cut and scoured by it Between the Volcanic Gabbro Hills
Waterfalls Like this Dominate our surrounding landscape They're everywhere

My Back Yard

& Lake Superior

Bubble and ISO Hash

BHO And Keif In a bong load
Kinda funny to think Nothing geologic happens around here anymore but at one time The whole Country very nearly ripped apart from here to Kansas Eventually it Locked Back together.... but not before Many Volcanos Had opened up and had their say in our landscape around here ....Making very solid And Deep Lava Flow Formations Across the Earth Crust that eventually got Covered with humus And Then Ground Down By Glaciers.... I Can see the history of these places Unfolding Very clearly sometimes when I'm really high...... Every Rock You pick Up around here, There is a very high chance It's volcanic..... But there are no volcano's around for thousands of miles In any direction