Harvest Every 2 Weeks Sog Style (pics!!) Master Kush!


Well-Known Member
Whats Lollypop?
Sorry loudblunts im a super noob!
you said your following al b's thread and trying to do exactly what he's done? yet you dont know what lollypopping is?

you do want single colas right?

you trim the lower 1/3 of the branches....basically anything over an 1inch.

with the way you have things arranged and tightly packed, i would prune mos definitely to avoid any transpiration problems from being so close together!


Well-Known Member
Oh yes i am going to trim the bottem 1/3 of the flowering plant to get that single top cola. I just dident know it was called " lollypoping"

But the pictures you seen are going to be my mother plants that im vegging right now.

Thanks loudblunts


Well-Known Member
I have a question.You are following ABF's method, which I also am going too use . You use 4 trays, each tray the plants are 2 weeks older then the other, so they should be taller, right? But you (and ABF) only have 2 lights,1 light for 2 trays,is that right? SO how do you control the spacing bettween the top of the plants and the light? Or because you have 1000watters spacing is'nt as important?


Well-Known Member
I see your face in the 1st pic offf the reflection of the polyguard. heheheh. And it never ends bro,you will be condtantly changing and upgrading,well seems it never ends for me anyway. steller 1st grow ,wait untill they start flowering your hooked for life.


Well-Known Member
Ya with 1k lights you gata keep em pretty high above the plants so it doesnt really matter. But you should ask AL B this is my first time and his millionth time?

i think im already hooked for life haha


Well-Known Member

Nothing much changed, Girls are still growing into nice mothers. My ppm tester broke so im kind of worried about that but i will get a new one tomarrow, Other then that everythings still the same 1150ppm, 5.8ph, water 1 x a day for 3 min.



Well-Known Member
Mind If I grab a bean bag chair and sit in on this one?

Mother look Beautiful!!! Have you already filled tray one?


Well-Known Member
How man clones do you plan to take, and how many will hit tray one?

and lastly What are you waiting for, the mother a FULL of clones for the pickin!!!


Well-Known Member
Im going to take 20 clones total, and use 15 in each tray ( i try to keep under 100 plants). For my sog style its better to get 9in thick stem clones. Im almost there =)

By the way your grow is going to be great!
Wish i had a room like that.


Well-Known Member
Oh cool!!! I get it. your doing the al B method to a T huh?

And thanks, I am excited!! Im actually starting seeds tonight!


Active Member
yo what happened ?? updates? pics? something. i wanna do this way of growing but 6 k is alot to put down. harvsted yet is it worth it?


Well-Known Member
get that black stuff outta there, that will soak up photons like fucking crazy and will also retain heat. at least cover it with reflective film or something. or paint it white either will be tits up.


Well-Known Member
bump . we need some pics or remove tthis thread..you should of took clones 10 posting ago and could of gotten 80 cuts at least..!!