harvest early / dry quickly for powdery mildew/botrytis? help!!!


Active Member
I need some advice for a bad case of powdery mildew and/or botrytis. I have 2 weeks more to go. I've read all the posts here and more. I've tried numerous suggested cures: neem, sm-90, trichoderma harzianum strain 22, serenade, alkaline water, sulphur burner, ozone, dehumidifier... and have found it's not "almost impossible to stop pm in late flowering" -- it is impossible! -- sad but true.
this is my 3rd grow and 1st bout w/ powdery mildew. I have read advice that suggests harvesting early. The biggest and best buds go first.
I've salvaged what I could by cutting everything back and watching it closely. seems that when the bud gets good, the botrytis is in there. I don't know if the girls are suffering from powdery mildew and grey mold/botrytis or if it's all from powdery mildew.
My questions:
1. if I harvest early, won't that shit be lurking in the buds anyway?
2. I have also read to dry quickly, is this true and if so, what is the best way to do it?


Well-Known Member
thats why you should keep a oscilating fan on ya plants 24/7,,,i do that and have never had problems with mold or anything like that,,,,,,
if ya plants are in a really bad way then just get rid of um,,,if only a few areas are affected then trim um off and spray some diluted peroxide or some watered down baking soda with a few drops of liquid soap on ya plants,,,
if you decide to dry early then cut the bud up into little nuggets put them in a brown envelope so it stays fairly level and flat,leaving it open enough so moisture can escape then put it on ya hot ballast and check on it regulary,everytime you check on it take it out the envelope and move it around abit with ya fingers till its cooled down the put it back in the evelope and back on ya ballast and keep doing that till its as dry as you like it..peace


Active Member
I have 3 large & 4 small oscilating fans on the plants 24/7, once the mildew gets in, the fans blow the spores around.
I have 8 trays and almost 50 plants, so I'm not about to toss the whole lot.
I've never heard of using diluted peroxide -- what ratio?
I tried baking soda.
Thanks for the tip on quick drying.


Active Member
hi just want to no if you used that tip with the diluted peroxide as i have the same problem as yourself and did you ever get to no what the ratio was for diluting thanks.


hi just want to no if you used that tip with the diluted peroxide as i have the same problem as yourself and did you ever get to no what the ratio was for diluting thanks.
I used 2 TBS Hydrogen Peroxide per sprayer bottle of water, and a drop of detergent