Harvest day!


Well-Known Member
CBD Medi Haze.
Vegged for 42 days, flowered for 57, all under 600w HPS.
1.2m x 1.2m x 2m tall tent.
DWC (50l container, 60 Lpm air pump) and scrog, in which the screen eventually turned into a support net (note to self: do not attempt to scrog sativas in future lol).
Used Advanced Nutrients.
Air intake & exhaust with carbon filter.

Smelt of lemon throughout the grow, but after cutting her down, smell has turned to a very distinct blueberry/haze.

Wet weight: 885g

Probably my most successful haul from one plant to date.


Well-Known Member
Thanks dude, quite happy with the results. Good weight, great buds, and a lovely smell.
Should be about 7oz dry :)


Well-Known Member
I've got 3 in a 3x4x6 ft tent apart corner to corner and tops everywhere. I'll be done in a month. Hope they all get 7 oz dry.