Harvest! Are they ready?

Hey guys anyone know if these plants are ready for the chop they are a few red hairs iv looked through the scope and they comes look cloudy but some buds are only starting so kinda confused they are 75 days old.. They are autos from seedsman should I flush and leave them a week any advice



Well-Known Member
You gotta post better pics. Get close ups of the buds, without them nobody can give you an honest answer.
I don't think there ready some of the buds are just starting big white hairs coming out of the buds my mate thinks I should flush them and leave them a week just water but I don't know iv gut feeling they not ready tho the tricomes are cloudy and they are red hairs so I'm stuck and don't know what to do


Well-Known Member
It's not a black and white question with a perfect set time. There is a window of time to harvest. If you go a bit early the plant has higher concentrations of THC-A which lead to more uplifted speedy effect. If you harvest late some of the THC-A degrades into CBN-A and more CBD-A which produces more of a psychoactive and sedative effect, better for pain management etc.

So even though you may be growing a straight sativa or indica in which it's genetics determine the type of effect, you can have a little control over how much by tweaking harvest time. But not too early or the trichomes won't be mature enough and you will have decreased yield. Want most of them to be cloudy in color for an uplifted effect, more amber color for a chill effect.



Well-Known Member
If you want the best of both worlds and be able to tell the difference: harvest half now, leave the rest to mature more. I would chop off the apex stem (top) and leave the bottom buds to fatten up a bit and mature.


Well-Known Member
Yes, a lot of growers do this, not just to get different kinds of smoke but also to help the lower buds mature. Since you're removing the apex shoot (top most bud), more auxins (plant growth hormone) and nutes will be redirected to all your side branches. Also means more light for them. They will fatten up a bit in another 2 weeks. The plant will be in shock for about a day but it will recover.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
It's not done. The pistils will turn colour (reddish) and shrink. If you have a loupe you will notice that the tichromes will turn from clear to cloudy, then Amber. I tend to pull just when they are all cloudy with very few Amber. Amber is a sign of the THC degrading and I don't want
It's not done. The pistils will turn colour (reddish) and shrink. If you have a loupe you will notice that the tichromes will turn from clear to cloudy, then Amber. I tend to pull just when they are all cloudy with very few Amber. Amber is a sign of the THC degrading and I don't want
yea iv no amber iv few cloudy but most look clear
How Sativa dominant is it? Apart from the ruderalis content, it should be mixed sat and indica.

It depends what I'm growing. For indica i want most cloudy. But not for my sativa dominant.
The original Northern Lights genotype has been famous for decades as the source of industry-changing strains and individuals such as NL#1, NL#2 and NL#5, as well as crucial hybrids such as NL 5x2, Shiva Skunk, Hash Plant, Silver Pearl and Northern Lights #5 x Haze. Northern Lights Automatic has been bred from the same rock-solid gene pool, blending NL#5 and NL#2 with their best feminised auto-flowering Indica, back-crossing with the NL parents.. That's what it says on the pack on I'm no sure :/


Well-Known Member
The original Northern Lights genotype has been famous for decades as the source of industry-changing strains and individuals such as NL#1, NL#2 and NL#5, as well as crucial hybrids such as NL 5x2, Shiva Skunk, Hash Plant, Silver Pearl and Northern Lights #5 x Haze. Northern Lights Automatic has been bred from the same rock-solid gene pool, blending NL#5 and NL#2 with their best feminised auto-flowering Indica, back-crossing with the NL parents.. That's what it says on the pack on I'm no sure :/
NL is ind dominant...