Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!


Well-Known Member
ok this is what i yielded off of one aero unit that used 1/2 of a 600 hps or 300 hps watts
its 3.9 grams dried and SUPER dank

i should be able to make about 6 grams of hash every week with my current setup



a summary would be great.

list of parts for hydoponics: cloner, veg, flowering
list of lighting, co2, ventilation equipment
nutrient recipes
grow timing strategy for perpetual harvests

i am in colorado. my wife and i are allowed a dozen plants: half mature and half flowering
we are allowed 4 ounces of finished medicine. keeping these things in mind, what strain will give me the best yields?

i can see that lots of people contribute to this site on a regular basis so i'm hoping someone has already written this and they could just paste in a nice summary. please thx and i am not worthy...


Well-Known Member
LOL This has turned in a long long thread, I remember reading all the pages when I came across it but tback then it was only in the 100's :)


Well-Known Member
lately ive been putting 18 plants under a 600 using 2 stink bud systems
i average about 30 oz off of a 600 but i know i can get much better once i go to just one strain per light


lately ive been putting 18 plants under a 600 using 2 stink bud systems
i average about 30 oz off of a 600 but i know i can get much better once i go to just one strain per light
whats your spacing like... I assume you are running a unmodified sb setup. so that's 4 post with 4-5 plants per post?

I don't think anyone is even getting close to that off 1 600? amazing....


Well-Known Member
ive modified little
i just use the 4.75 inch posts and put 8 in a 10 x 12 room with 2800 hps total watts
i have 4 600 hps and 1 400 hps i use for some dwc i have tucked inbetween the stink units
i might make a single aero unit to replace the dwc......hate messing with 5 units.......ec/ph and the like
aero is easier


New Member
i agree its easier but my ph keeps dropping like crazy ever since i switched over to this type of system. loudblunts said its normal for aero. any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
i agree its easier but my ph keeps dropping like crazy ever since i switched over to this type of system. loudblunts said its normal for aero. any thoughts?
mine goes up, slightly
i think its due to my air stones though


Well-Known Member
what happens is that when its hot and the plants sweat the water is gone but the nutes stay and it lowers the ph and ups the ec
i have to add water every other day


Well-Known Member
well then what in the world makes mine drop like that then i wonder
this might help

you should be able to tell what your plants are needing or not needing by keeping track of your EC/PH rising and falling in your rez.

without making things complicated, here's a basic rough cheat sheet:

Originally Posted by OldPhart
Basic cheat sheet:
Ec goes up, PH goes down=plants require less nutes.
Ec goes down, PH goes up=Plants require more nutes
Ec stable, PH goes up=Equilibrium=Good thang.


Hi thanks for all the great information! Really learning alot. Would like to ask a few questions as to how to adapt this great system to my space:
I have a 30' x 30' room with a 3' ceiling height and am planning to go with Dr. Atomic's Northern Lights. Is it ok for me to use hps lights to flower with such a low ceiling height? If so what size is recommended? Would I be able to use 600 watt lights? thanks to everyone in this great thread!


Active Member
With 3' height I wouldnt even bother growing.
ANY hps would not work.

Florescent would be your pretty much only option.

But I doubt it would be worth even trying to grow with such a low ceiling.


Active Member
Question all.
Im growing White Russian in 3 standard Stinkbud Units.
Will 2 600's stationary bloom these well?
What about on a light mover?
And lastly What about three stationary, one above each unit?


3' too low? That's what I was afraid of. Is there any way to successfully flower with floros? Think I could have HPS lights positioned on the side of the plants instead on over top?