Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

As mentioned by others, the search function in this forum is not user friendly. As such, let's talk doors.

Using CO2 you have to have an airtight room. I know were not talking space shuttle doors here, but how do you mane a door air tight. Does it have to have only weather stripping with double rubber thingies on the bottom? Or do I have to some how need to put ruber sealing materials to literally hermetically seal this door???

Hey fellow stinkbuddies... So here is the situation. I started from seeds and I currently have my babies in the veg unit under 4 48" T5's. I don't know the sex of my babies yet and I just finished reading a post about cloning and labeling then put the babies into flower to determine sex. Weed out the males, then weed out the male clones that was put in the unit. So the question is instead of doing all that, could I just leave it in the veg unit and change the light cycle to 12/12 and as soon as I find some ball sacks, quickly remove the males and put them back into veg??? This is my first grow and I don't know if will flower with T5's and also if this is too much stress on the plants. Also if its OK to do that, how big do my babies have to be? Right now they are 3 weeks old since they broke wool and are about 6" to 8" tall. They've been growing really fast. I just don't want to do like the other guy and have my roots get all tangled up in the flower unit. Any help will be appreciated. Keep up the good work Stink bud and Stink On!!!:fire:
All you guys should see this page.


Aeroflow has the system, or part of it, for sale?

My clones are doing fine now but I didn't keep my Ph meter wet and I had to get the paper kit until I get a new probe.:wall:

Yeah - there is a Euro version too! They have been around for years... There is a great DIY for that on the internet. I built my Mom one and she grows killer basil and butter leaf lettuce in it! They rock! I was not hip to the cycle timing then or that you could remove the drain for a Stink-like AeroNFT unit... and I never dreamed of putting boo in one!

What kind of PH meter do you have? I never really keep my multi-meter wet (I put the little cap on with the probe still wet after I rinse it off with tap water). Are you supposed to actually leave it in a glass of water or some sort of solution or what exactly? I have been abusing mine for some time and it still works great (though I have not calibrated it in months!) They are not cheap so I would like to take care of it.
As mentioned by others, the search function in this forum is not user friendly. As such, let's talk doors.

Using CO2 you have to have an airtight room. I know were not talking space shuttle doors here, but how do you mane a door air tight. Does it have to have only weather stripping with double rubber thingies on the bottom? Or do I have to some how need to put ruber sealing materials to literally hermetically seal this door???


Yeah - that will be more than enough!

...unless you want to get really crazy and recycle your dehumid and AC water for a TOTALLY closed system. In such a system you can capture the water your plants transpire (via the AC and dehumidifier waste water), nute and PH it and feed it to em again! I read in a mag about this guy, using a totally closed system, getting over 75 - 90% recirculation! I think it was this grower guy, Bruno - but I couldn't find the story on the internet... interesting stuff.
Hey fellow stinkbuddies... So here is the situation. I started from seeds and I currently have my babies in the veg unit under 4 48" T5's. I don't know the sex of my babies yet and I just finished reading a post about cloning and labeling then put the babies into flower to determine sex. Weed out the males, then weed out the male clones that was put in the unit. So the question is instead of doing all that, could I just leave it in the veg unit and change the light cycle to 12/12 and as soon as I find some ball sacks, quickly remove the males and put them back into veg??? This is my first grow and I don't know if will flower with T5's and also if this is too much stress on the plants. Also if its OK to do that, how big do my babies have to be? Right now they are 3 weeks old since they broke wool and are about 6" to 8" tall. They've been growing really fast. I just don't want to do like the other guy and have my roots get all tangled up in the flower unit. Any help will be appreciated. Keep up the good work Stink bud and Stink On!!!:fire:

I don't think you will need to put em back to veg - just flower em, determine sex, and put the females in the flower unit. If they are 4 inches now, they will be plenty big by the time they show their sex.

It is the photo period that counts - not the light type - your T5 lights will cause them to flower. Actually finishing with this light will not grow dense bud - but it would grow bud!
Hey StinkBud, I have followed your plans exactly for the cloner. Built it and everything and it looks great, problem is I put 10 Ak clones in for 3 weeks but no roots whatsoever. I put 150ml of Clonex solution in what appeared to be about the right amount of water (compared to your pics), a green sludge did build up on the sides and pvc's. Ph was about 6 and ppm was 400. So my question is how much water did you put in with the 150ml of solution? What is your ppm at, and also any idea what the sludge could be? Oh and one last thing I did see one root develop for about two days then it disappeared.

Your the man, keep up the good work buddy!;-)

I am not Stink! ...but I have been doing much work with the Stinkbud AeroCloner. Below are my observations. They are not Stink certified - but I have 100% success with the following settings:

Sludge is never good! Sounds like you got something funky! You will need to clean that and start again. Cleanliness is really important when cloning!

Take it all apart, clean it well with soap and water, and some sort of disinfectant. Run it for 30 minutes with hot water and a mild bleach/water solution. Dump it, spray it down, run it for 30 minutes with straight, cold water. Dump it, spray it down, run it again for 10 minutes with cold water. Be sure there is no bleach odor. Wipe it down with a clean, lint-free cloth. Keep it clean! The unit is now ready to rock. Don't infect it with anything... only touch it with rubber gloves!

Water - if your water is over 200 PPM - you can not use it... Straight RO water is also not good - but you can bring it up to 135PPM with your tap water - or - the sure solution for us folks with bunk water - buy Arrowhead Mountain Spring Drinking Water! 5 gallons fills the 18 gallon Rubbermaid container to a nice level - they sell it in 2.5 gallon containers. This water is already at a good PH and PPM as is - about 6.0 and 100 - 140 PPM - you can lower it to 5.8 if you like... lower PH below 5.5 inhibits the growth of many types of fungus and bacteria... though the optimum rooting PH is more in the range of 6.0 to 6.3. Rather than adding Clonex to the res - just dip the cutting in it just before you place it in the neoprene collar.

From here it is hard to go wrong if you follow Stink's guide. Room temps are pretty broad, though the process certainly slows below 69 degrees. Don't add any humidity on purpose through the use of a dome or misting, etc. Be sure you are cycling your pump to keep your res temps down, and change the whole thing out at least every 10 days. Leave the lights on 24/7 - though they, theoretically should root faster in 18/6 light.

Not sure if you have experience with cuttings - and there are many schools of thoughts - and I have changed y method and thinking many times! Here is my current cutting technique in the Stink AeroCloner. Using this method I have been able to root all strains in about 7 days - 100%.

Lower cuts - as with all methods - root faster than cuts from the top of the plant - usually - but with the Stink system - I have found you can get excellent results from upper plant branches too! I like three nodes on my cuts... I trim the last node and make a 45 degree cut about 3/8 inch below that last node. For woodier cuts, I scrape away a bit of the skin, just below the finial node to the tip in three sections. Dip this in Clonex to the top of the trimmed node - pause for a few seconds and let the excess Clonex drip off. Place the cut in the Neoprene collar so the second node is just above the collar - with the cut node and tip, at least, an inch below the collar... longer is better but you don't want to make your 45 cut too far below the third node as the nodes are where the rooting hormones (auxins) are at. Do all this with rubber gloves, sterile scissors, razor, or scalpel. User your trusty 99 (rubbing alcohol of at least 91%) before taking all cuts.

OK - I hope I didn't come off as some sort of "know-it-all" - this is all just my personal experience. Stink is the man and his advice is word!
I have spent the last 2 hours trying to find the specs for the contacter. Can somebody post it or tell me what page it is on. I tried to runs a search but the Search option is not workings


Bummer! Let's not get mad at people anymore for not being able to find something on this site... The search does not work for me at all - (Ubuntu and latest version of Firefox).

Stink - can I build you a site! This thread is too big - it needs a Forum on its own...

Thinking out loud: So, will the thread still be here when it hits HighTimes? Are you giving out this rollitup.org address? I'm afraid it will break! Is HT going to have a place next to Jorge Cervantes for Stink? Won't the posts skyrocket as soon as it hits HT?
Hey Andyman I posted this earlier but I dont see it so Im gonna ask you again. Im building your contactor right now and I got all the parts
except the fuse. I think you said that it wasnt really needed but I just wanted to make sure?
its not needed I had it on the first one I made, its just overkill.
got most of the parts now to build another timer/contactor unit. will post with directions and good pics soon:leaf:
Hey Andyman as soon as you get a chance I need a lil help with my contactor because its a lil differant than yours. Its a 30A two pole 120v contactor but it just looks differant than yours. I cant figure out where the wires go on mine acording to your plans.
Mine looks like this, It's labels on it go like this if it was sittin on its base:

1/L1 3/L2

2/T1 3/T2

ok Theres a spot for the wires on each of those labels and then below the top row labels there are two more spots for wires that are not labeled
you would conect the 2 lower legs that only have one male spade terminal on them. to power of the timer. that is were you cord goes that plugs into the timer as a trigger. when its energyized it will make the coil close 1/L1 and 2/T1 together so that it makes those to make a complete circut. and 3/L2 does the same to 4/T2. mine just had the two power or trigger wire spots one each side of the contactor and your has them on one side. what ever color you cut on your power strip cord (you only need one, since yours is a double pole you can use 2 power strips to control more pumps) any way what ever color say the white wire would be conected between 1/L1 and 2/T1 then you can 2 the 2nd power strip the same way from 3/L2 to 4/T2. The one I have pictured is using both black and white wires. its only nessasary to use one of them. I was super high when I made that one. if you need more help send me a private message and I will try to talk you through it, if you can make it past all my misspellings. lol:leaf:
All you guys should see this page.


Aeroflow has the system, or part of it, for sale?

$421!?!? no thanks, 3" net pots (waste of space), looks like the pots are full of those water rocks too, those things are mold magnets. 8 gallon rez?why so you can fill it up every other day because your 20 plants drink it all. not a very well thought out design or price tag, but i bet theres still some goof balls out there buying them. they would shit if they found this site.
Hey fellow stinkbuddies... So here is the situation. I started from seeds and I currently have my babies in the veg unit under 4 48" T5's. I don't know the sex of my babies yet and I just finished reading a post about cloning and labeling then put the babies into flower to determine sex. Weed out the males, then weed out the male clones that was put in the unit. So the question is instead of doing all that, could I just leave it in the veg unit and change the light cycle to 12/12 and as soon as I find some ball sacks, quickly remove the males and put them back into veg??? This is my first grow and I don't know if will flower with T5's and also if this is too much stress on the plants. Also if its OK to do that, how big do my babies have to be? Right now they are 3 weeks old since they broke wool and are about 6" to 8" tall. They've been growing really fast. I just don't want to do like the other guy and have my roots get all tangled up in the flower unit. Any help will be appreciated. Keep up the good work Stink bud and Stink On!!!:fire:

have you ever looked into using dutch masters reverse?
Hey Stink, so you say cuttings can be taken pretty far into flowering, if I had some sativas growing could I take the cuttings say 1-3 weeks into flowering so they don't get huge during veg?
Yeah - I was not hip to the cycle timing then or that you could remove the drain for a Stink-like AeroNFT unit... and I never dreamed of putting boo in one!

What kind of PH meter do you have? I never really keep my multi-meter wet (I put the little cap on with the probe still wet after I rinse it off with tap water). Are you supposed to actually leave it in a glass of water or some sort of solution or what exactly? I have been abusing mine for some time and it still works great (though I have not calibrated it in months!) They are not cheap so I would like to take care of it.

I have the Hanna "Checker", paid ~$30 for it. I like it but I thought I'd calibrate it and found that it wouldn't go down to 4.01 . I've got to go order a new probe today. The instructions say to put a few drops of 7.01 solution in the cap before you put it away.

I was at a Hydro shop and the guy showed me the one he uses, He keeps his in a cup of water, but he had one of the fancy Hanna remote probe ones. I don't have $200 to spring for the cool ones.
$421!?!? no thanks, 3" net pots (waste of space), looks like the pots are full of those water rocks too, those things are mold magnets. 8 gallon rez?why so you can fill it up every other day because your 20 plants drink it all. not a very well thought out design or price tag, but i bet theres still some goof balls out there buying them. they would shit if they found this site.

I agree, they are pricy and not exactly a "clone" of the SB 2009. They must not have wnated to get in a patent war with SB.:bigjoint::bigjoint:
All you guys should see this page.

Aeroflow has the system, or part of it, for sale?

My clones are doing fine now but I didn't keep my Ph meter wet and I had to get the paper kit until I get a new probe.:wall:

Please don't spam this thread with unwanted sales promotions:sad:. Thank you.
Hey StinkBud, I have followed your plans exactly for the cloner. Built it and everything and it looks great, problem is I put 10 Ak clones in for 3 weeks but no roots whatsoever. I put 150ml of Clonex solution in what appeared to be about the right amount of water (compared to your pics), a green sludge did build up on the sides and pvc's. Ph was about 6 and ppm was 400. So my question is how much water did you put in with the 150ml of solution? What is your ppm at, and also any idea what the sludge could be? Oh and one last thing I did see one root develop for about two days then it disappeared.

Your the man, keep up the good work buddy!;-)

Your container need to be light tight. If you see anything green growing that means light is getting though and causing algae to grow.

Quickest fix is to use a black contractors bag to line the res and block out light.

You also need a black or dark blue top. The gray ones let in light.

Drain, clean and refill with water up to the bottom of the sprayer pipes.

Watch your room temps. If your room/water gets to hot you could end up with funk growing in your res.

Some strains take an unbelievable amount of time to root. Like I've said here before, my NYC Diesel takes 4 weeks to root while my Snowbud roots in 4 days. I have no idea why.

They all eventually pop roots so I've given up trying to figure out why some strains are so quick and some take so long.
Hey Stink, so you say cuttings can be taken pretty far into flowering, if I had some sativas growing could I take the cuttings say 1-3 weeks into flowering so they don't get huge during veg?

I hate to say this because of love Sativas so much but they just don't work well indoors no matter what you do.

I've tried everything to keep them under control and they just grow too big anyway.

Remember my Skunk plant that had been flowering for 3 months? Guess what? It's still flowering. It's actually showing some new growth. WTF! It looks like I will harvest it at about 4 months of flowering.:wall:

On the other side of the scale I have a NYC Diesel plant that is finishing up nicely and ready to harvest. The only problem is it's one full batch back! I haven't even started the flush yet!

If I ran nothing but Diesel I could harvest every two weeks because it finishes so fast. It's a weird plant...takes almost as long to clone as it does to flower:weed:

So I recommend finding a mix. Something with a Sativa buzz and an Indica growth rate. Something like my Purple Silver is what you want.

It has the high of a nice Silver Haze. It's a huge producer with rock hard nugs. It smells and tastes just like Welches Grape Juice.

The strains are out there bro, you just have to find them.


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