Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, my plants are lookin good. I now have 2 systems in the flower room up and running. 2 600 watters, an oscillating fan and the 434 cfm exhaust running 24/7, the temp is a consistent 63 lights on and 61 lights off, seems kinda low, i thought the temp would go up a little when i put the 2nd light in. the RH seems a bit high at 76%, but after reading ed rosenthals guide he claims anything under 80%RH is good to go.

My clones for the 3rd system are now 8inches tall..lol and i just put them into the veg system(although they probably could go straight into flower i assume) but i want to keep on the 3 week schedule.

How to best position the lights is a question on my mind.
also the way it looks in there now it seems like 3 lights (600 watters) one centered over each unit may just be sufficient.
of course 4 would be the ultimate (to catch all corners) but just thought i would ask opinions.



Well-Known Member
Hey guys, my plants are lookin good. I now have 2 systems in the flower room up and running. 2 600 watters, an oscillating fan and the 434 cfm exhaust running 24/7, the temp is a consistent 63 lights on and 61 lights off, seems kinda low, i thought the temp would go up a little when i put the 2nd light in. the RH seems a bit high at 76%, but after reading ed rosenthals guide he claims anything under 80%RH is good to go.

My clones for the 3rd system are now 8inches tall..lol and i just put them into the veg system(although they probably could go straight into flower i assume) but i want to keep on the 3 week schedule.

How to best position the lights is a question on my mind.
also the way it looks in there now it seems like 3 lights (600 watters) one centered over each unit may just be sufficient.
of course 4 would be the ultimate (to catch all corners) but just thought i would ask opinions.
Those look great! Can you show a picture that includes the lights?


Well-Known Member
will do right now...is this bad opening the door and snapping pics during lights off... im fast though.
LOL I do believe the term used is "uninterupted darkness" during 12/12, I'll let you figure the answer out :)

I am sure it won't kill them.......or will it :P


Well-Known Member
YA DH those girls look great, the first ones that have only been in there for 3 weeks are fucking huge already, can't wait to see them bud up! Do you have an actual journal? If so you should stick it in your sig, I'd like to check it out. If not, then make sure you keep updateing in here!! :peace:


Well-Known Member
Thanks thunder,, yea i should probably start a log.

LOL I do believe the term used is "uninterupted darkness" during 12/12, I'll let you figure the answer out :)

I am sure it won't kill them.......or will it :P
Im not gonna kill um am i? never doing that ever again.
Im sure it didnt hurt them. just proud of my girls.


Well-Known Member
Those really do look good and it's good news that the 600w seems to be doing the trick.

Sorry about the lights out - I think one time you'll be fine, but you have to get a little religious about the 12 hours of darkness.


Well-Known Member
Don't sweat it a few minutes of light during lights off won't hurt the girls, just think of today as a particularly bright full moon.


Well-Known Member
will do right now...is this bad opening the door and snapping pics during lights off... im fast though.
I thing you would be better off running your lights like I do, lengthwise. The end plants on your new system will grow shorter than the middle ones.

At least until you get a couple more 600s. I have to warn you though...as soon as you have 4-600s I'm going to get real jealous!:finger:

Great job one everything Dirt! Your plants look awsome. I can't wait to see them fully into bud. You should be on your last few days of stretch then the plants will settle down and start putting on weight.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys...about the lights, ive changed them around a few times, these hoods are 18x21 the 21 inch side is where the holes for the vent is... so i should have the long side (vent hole) turned the other way? ya think?

yea your right!!!!!!!! i need daylight so i can change them once again.


Well-Known Member
Stink! What do you mean by 'lengthwise'? Refer to the hella nice pic above in post 1224... is that what you mean by lengthwise? or is that opposite?

I'm confused.. but getting really close to putting this system in use and have already setup two 1000watters in cooltubes pointing in the same directions as Dirt's... it's not too late to change!

Edit: Shit, sorry I just figured out the post above which clearly explains the answer!


Well-Known Member
Stink! What do you mean by 'lengthwise'? Refer to the hella nice pic above in post 1224... is that what you mean by lengthwise? or is that opposite?

I'm confused.. but getting really close to putting this system in use and have already setup two 1000watters in cooltubes pointing in the same directions as Dirt's... it's not too late to change!

Edit: Shit, sorry I just figured out the post above which clearly explains the answer!
Look at the vent holes. If you line up the holes then the output of one light will be the input of the other. Check out the photo...

Not a big deal now but when he starts using C02 the lights will need to be sealed and vented.



Well-Known Member
Stink -
could you do a run through of your harvest procedure? I mean how you cut the plants up, how you dry them, and about the time you invented hash and what procedure you use? ;-)

Ok ok I know you didn't invent hash I was just kidding. :mrgreen:

I was serious about the harvest stuff and hash though.


and oh yeah this might seem a bit obvious but I'm assuming you are pitching the neoprene collar and net pot after harvest - I have no idea how you would reuse the netpot


Well-Known Member
yea your right!!!!!!!! i need daylight so i can change them once again.
I little light won't hurt anything. I've reveged plants before. It takes about 2-3 weeks of 24/0 to get them to revert back to veg.

Think how bright a full moon is. It is safe to have that much light to work in every once in a while.

You can also buy green fluorescents made just for working in the dark. Any green light bulb will do the trick. I replaced my normal ceiling light with one of those funky clear/green ones. Which reminds me...I keep forgetting to buy a new one.

Now I use a small flashlight when I need to check stuff at night. Point it at the ceiling and you can work for hours with no worries. You have to let your eyes get used to the dark but within 5 minutes you can see fine.


Well-Known Member
Stink -
could you do a run through of your harvest procedure? I mean how you cut the plants up, how you dry them, and about the time you invented hash and what procedure you use? ;-)

Ok ok I know you didn't invent hash I was just kidding. :mrgreen:

I was serious about the harvest stuff and hash though.


and oh yeah this might seem a bit obvious but I'm assuming you are pitching the neoprene collar and net pot after harvest - I have no idea how you would reuse the netpot
I just cut the plants when it's time to harvest. Sometimes I hang them up in the bathroom to dry and trim them later. If I have time I prefer to trim them right at harvest.

It's easier to trim the buds when they are fresh. I just cut off all the leaf and leave the buds on the stems. I lay the buds on a window screen to dry. The buds are dry when you can bend the stems and they snap. Cut the buds off and put them in jars for curing. Your done!

During this time I have the pump turned off to let the roots dry out. I empty the res and pull out the root balls. I chuck everything. The neoprene collars are too stretched out to use again and the nets pots only cost 20 cents.

I clean everything with a mild bleach/water solution. I always replace the sprayers with clean ones during maintenance. Put everything back together, add the new girls and away you go.

It's really simple when you think about it...


Active Member
Pretty plants you got there Dirt, looks like stinkbud's aero design will put green thumbs on alot of us. Most excellent, Stink's thresd is like going to Mary Jane college online. Sweet


Well-Known Member
Yes it sure is bigbud..im so glad i stumbled across this thread.. i was actually just getting ready to do an indoor soil thing when i found stink. stink you rock!

I was just out in my room contimplating how to run my support beems to turn my lights. My women came out and put something in the dryer and guess what??? It flipped the breaker!!!!

crap..and i want 2 more lights? yes i will definately only run the dryer or anything else during the night cycle, but is 1200 more watts gonna be a problem ? im no electrician,, any suggestions?