Looking great! I was just at one of the top farms in the world a few weeks ago and they were running big vaporizers to keep the humidity up above 60%. Some strains will curl at 40% humidity but a lot depends on strains. Strains from the humid tropics will favor high humidity. Strains from dry mountainous regions like Afghanistan like it dry.
Great point
I also find that vapour pressure (forces exerted upon a leafs surface relative to humidity and temp fluxes) especially at night is crucial in a lot types, especially those that like it hot during the day (seem to be happy as long as they can breathe well at night)
and the most unique thing I'm stumbling upon, is the effect on trich size as well as gland length and anthocyanin concentration (high), and one thing i like to do is build pressure up to certain percentages for certain strains especially during the final 1-3 weeks i push the envelope
This is something
@DonPetro may appreciate a lot, as i don't know if I've contributed any other findings, lol, as well as
@DonBrennon for sure, as it made all my plants go purple that round, not talking tissue I'm talking tish, ooh wee
Ive messed around a fair bit in both sealed rooms and rooms with double intakes and this is the main thing thats been different, the vapour pressure and RH's, not so much the temps
other than that i kept the regime almost identical.
i suppose it could be the foliar regime or lights, but shit, a somewhat killer theory anyway