It's connected to the same electric as my home... Nothing in the house was reset or anything so I don't think so.Any possibility of power interruptions to the device?
I noticed ss and a couple other people using those strong boxes, but leaving the lids yellow and not painting them ad stink suggested. Anyone have any feedback on that?
Hey Stink, just passing thru and thought that I should stop to say thanks again for the grow tips and excellent details that helped me to build that growing machine a few years back. You may recall that I had a brain tumor resected in 2010 and decided to go for it with cannabis oil, using your 2008 post as a starting point. I got better and the tumor has not grown back, perhaps because of the cannabis oil. So, your post may have helped to save me. Thank you.
My garden changes every grow, sometimes soil, sometimes organic, depending what I'm growing for. The aromas with organic soil can sure be nice, I save that extra effort for special buds, destined for smoking, mostly sativa dominant strains. The cloner has been great to have around to save the genetics of the best plants, and also as a tool in seed breeding. I gave up on smart pots for soil because of the stuff that grows on the outside of them, hard side 4 gallon works for my small 600W garden. What has worked best for me is having veg plants in netpots to supply the cloner with cuts, then flower with either soil or the rails, depending on strains. The all-CBD plants are good in the rails and use Jack's nutrients, so cost is very low. The GDP and Blue Dream come out best in soil, so get a variety of nutes, mostly organic style. What I've learned is that examining each plant closely, daily, addressing it's support and trimming needs, keeps everything on track and problem free. Keeping the grow super clean, always a fan moving the leaves, good charcoal filters, temp around 80... I have derived more enjoyment from indoor gardening than I can express, it has been therapy, poetry and entertainment, just a great way to spend time. Not to mention the primo buds and cannabis oil.
I tried socializing with local cannabis enthusiasts here in CO, but have given up because of low lifes who inhabit that community. The underground market will hopefully diminish here as legalization drives profits down, and the gangsta wannabes move back home. They get busted all the time and have caused more rules to be applied to the growing here, causing problems for the people who are trying to help with legalization by setting an example. I am reluctant to go public because of the problem with bad actors, they have brought law enforcement into the process because of their mad rush to make a buck. Some of the people in this community are the best of the best, just wonderful human beings, but then there are the bad actors, who fail to understand why we should push for full legalization, probably because of their cash motivated lives, typically devoid of love or civility. It is refreshing to find someone with your mindset in this arena, seriously, your attitude sets a standard that is admirable. Growing cannabis is fun and rewarding, but people who spray pesticides on buds and then sell them are doing it wrong. Same folks who try to sell crappy BHO as a cancer cure. Point is, people who are doing it right should be recognized for their work so the rest of us can learn and move ahead.
Tell you what, if you can swing by over the holidays, I'll pass along a 6 pack of home brewed beer, made with a full 2 ounces of dried buds, added at the start of the 1 hour boil. Only a person who enjoys the dank can fully appreciate the flavor. Thanks again StinkBud!
Alright guys, I dare say I'm ready to make a post here and ask some questions. I've read through this whole thread, all 11k something posts. It's quite a read. Looks like a lot of shit went down over the years.
I've also read through both of SS's larger threads.
Couple things that I haven't really been able to decide on, looking for opinions.
Between Stink and SS they do a lot of similar things but some things are quite different. It seems that Stink's setup has the plants closer together with more plants per rail, whereas SS uses further distance apart with fewer plants.
Has anyone been able to decide which way would be better in regards to yield?
Next thing are nutrients. Stink uses 2000ppm nutrient setup and SS states that anything over 1000ppm is a waste.
So I'm looking to start on a design of a build and get some seeds started but trying to plan ahead with the build to determine what's the best way to utilize space and maximize yield.
I hope to get to know everyone around here as it seems you all are really good people.
Thanks everyone.
I'm in Colorado and I love to meet good people like yourself. No wannabe gangsta shit here, promise!
I'll be up there next week! Guess this drought in cali has messed with prices this year.. lol agreed though, no gangsta stuff. If by any chance you'd be interested in meeting up with a fellow loyal riu member, I sure would be!
You've been commenting on my posts since I first started, when I knew almost absolutely nothing! And have definately helped me learn a ton.
Going into netcups once they've rooted through hasn't been a problem...
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Hey Stink, just passing thru and thought that I should stop to say thanks again for the grow tips and excellent details that helped me to build that growing machine a few years back. You may recall that I had a brain tumor resected in 2010 and decided to go for it with cannabis oil, using your 2008 post as a starting point. I got better and the tumor has not grown back, perhaps because of the cannabis oil. So, your post may have helped to save me. Thank you.
My garden changes every grow, sometimes soil, sometimes organic, depending what I'm growing for. The aromas with organic soil can sure be nice, I save that extra effort for special buds, destined for smoking, mostly sativa dominant strains. The cloner has been great to have around to save the genetics of the best plants, and also as a tool in seed breeding. I gave up on smart pots for soil because of the stuff that grows on the outside of them, hard side 4 gallon works for my small 600W garden. What has worked best for me is having veg plants in netpots to supply the cloner with cuts, then flower with either soil or the rails, depending on strains. The all-CBD plants are good in the rails and use Jack's nutrients, so cost is very low. The GDP and Blue Dream come out best in soil, so get a variety of nutes, mostly organic style. What I've learned is that examining each plant closely, daily, addressing it's support and trimming needs, keeps everything on track and problem free. Keeping the grow super clean, always a fan moving the leaves, good charcoal filters, temp around 80... I have derived more enjoyment from indoor gardening than I can express, it has been therapy, poetry and entertainment, just a great way to spend time. Not to mention the primo buds and cannabis oil.
I tried socializing with local cannabis enthusiasts here in CO, but have given up because of low lifes who inhabit that community. The underground market will hopefully diminish here as legalization drives profits down, and the gangsta wannabes move back home. They get busted all the time and have caused more rules to be applied to the growing here, causing problems for the people who are trying to help with legalization by setting an example. I am reluctant to go public because of the problem with bad actors, they have brought law enforcement into the process because of their mad rush to make a buck. Some of the people in this community are the best of the best, just wonderful human beings, but then there are the bad actors, who fail to understand why we should push for full legalization, probably because of their cash motivated lives, typically devoid of love or civility. It is refreshing to find someone with your mindset in this arena, seriously, your attitude sets a standard that is admirable. Growing cannabis is fun and rewarding, but people who spray pesticides on buds and then sell them are doing it wrong. Same folks who try to sell crappy BHO as a cancer cure. Point is, people who are doing it right should be recognized for their work so the rest of us can learn and move ahead.
Tell you what, if you can swing by over the holidays, I'll pass along a 6 pack of home brewed beer, made with a full 2 ounces of dried buds, added at the start of the 1 hour boil. Only a person who enjoys the dank can fully appreciate the flavor. Thanks again StinkBud!
You want to take them out of the plug as soon as possible. If you can get it with just the one long tap root that's the best. If you wait until it has side roots then it gets pretty torn up trying to remove the plug material. The tap root only has to be long enough to get through the neoprene collar. As soon as it can pick up water you are safe.Hey stinkbuddies I am having some problems with seedlings and aeroponics, I think I posted on here a while ago and didn't get a response so I'll ask again since I am still having the same problem with a new batch of seeds... So I germ the seeds throw them in rapid rooters and they pop up out of the rooter a couple days later and look great, I split the rooter open and remove the seedling and put it in the aeroponic system and the roots take a while to start growing again. Last time I know I waited to long because the roots were coming out of the sides of the rooter, this time I didn't wait as long but a couple seedlings were just starting to have roots come out of the sides of the rooter, should I be pulling these even sooner? Should I just pull them as soon as they sprout out of the rooter? I only waited a day or two after they sprouted until I saw the tap root coming out of the bottom but by them it seems roots were already growing sideways off of the main tap root as well. Of course when you remove the seedlings the tiny sideways roots get broken off so are they taking so long to start developing roots because they are in shock? Kind of like a transplant shock?
I have to keep chiming in on this one bro. The best thing for your res is a cooler. It's water tight, light tight, white lid and insulated. It costs a little more but you don't need paint and it never leaks. They work great for cloners too! No more water leaks from the sprayers! Trust me on this bro...Paint the lids with two coats of black to block the light, then a coat of white to reflect the heat/light. Black will transfer more heat to the res. Still block direct light with a sheet of reflective rigid foam, if possible. Keeping the res cool and dark is #1 in this system.
Is there any way I can get some of your strains, tired of the same thing on the east coast.I don't do commercial, only medical. I'm not really interested in setting up a large grow at this time. It costs tens of thousands of dollars that I don't have. The licence fees alone cost close to $5K. You have to have cameras, security alarms, safes and many more expenses that no one ever thinks about. Where I live you can only set up a commercial grow on properties zoned commercial, agriculture or industrial. No home addresses allowed. You can't even have property zoned partial agricultural.
Let me tell you though...if I could find an investor, someone could make a lot of money! All the major growers can't keep up with the demand. Wholesale prices keep going up but they still buy all they can grow. I'm staying medical for now. There are still a few medical dispensaries around that's where I'd rather be anyway.
On another note... I popped all my seeds and now I have Orange Cookies, Pineapple Cookies, Headband Cookies, Trainwreck Cookies, Grape Cookies, Bubba Cookies, Mystery Cookies and Dreamy Cookies. The plan is to back cross with my Girl Scout Cookies and then take those seed and backcross them one more time. This will give me the stable, F3 back cross squared that I'm looking for. The seeds from that batch should be as stable as an F1 cross
What do you guys think? Can I pull the bottom 2 stems off and start them as clones?
They are about 4" long at this point.
What do you guys think? Can I pull the bottom 2 stems off and start them as clones?
They are about 4" long at this point.