Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!


Well-Known Member
Possibly missing either Nitrogen, Potassium, or Magnesium; I would drain and start a new soup mix @ half strength till the ladies recover. good luck.


Active Member
Possibly missing either Nitrogen, Potassium, or Magnesium; I would drain and start a new soup mix @ half strength till the ladies recover. good luck.

Hey, GringoLoco, thanks for the reply!

It is strange that it is all of a sudden.
Using the same mix as always. I will flush and start again!



Well-Known Member
Hey, GringoLoco, thanks for the reply!

It is strange that it is all of a sudden.
Using the same mix as always. I will flush and start again!

Nutrients could have locked up, if you could do a fresh water flush prior to adding nutes, that should help break some of that buildup.


Active Member
Looks like Nitrogen deficiency.
I see blatant amounts of purple on the stem and leave stems and also the clear leaves indicate the nitrogen is the problem.
Maybe find a nitrogen booster to add to the mix.

You usually notice nitrogen problems about 1-3 weeks after putting into flower.


Active Member
Looks like Nitrogen deficiency.
I see blatant amounts of purple on the stem and leave stems and also the clear leaves indicate the nitrogen is the problem.
Maybe find a nitrogen booster to add to the mix.

You usually notice nitrogen problems about 1-3 weeks after putting into flower.

Hey guys, thanks for the replys!
Unit was flushed a week ago.
They then kinda came out of it.
Now they are looking sick again.

Why would I need a nitrogen booster now? Running the same setup about a year. They are still in 24 hr. veg. cycle.

I think lockout more likely but why? Maybe I will drain and scrub tubs and mix up some new nutes. I will keep you guys posted.

Thanks again! I really like the Red Diesel
I would hate to lose her!

Unca Milt
What strain are you growing? How far into your grow? What kind of media are you using? Any signs of infestation or mold/mildew issues? Looks like too much nutes... Is your equipment functioning properly? Is the solution draining properly? What kind of hydro set up are you using?

I did a quick search and it looks like some others have the same issue as you with Red Diesel (unless this was your post! haha)
Most of the long time users of this stinkbud system are regularly at stinkbuddies.com if you want to see if anyone else has more input on your issues Milt.
What strain are you growing? How far into your grow? What kind of media are you using? Any signs of infestation or mold/mildew issues? Looks like too much nutes... Is your equipment functioning properly? Is the solution draining properly? What kind of hydro set up are you using?

I did a quick search and it looks like some others have the same issue as you with Red Diesel (unless this was your post! haha)
Sorry, I forgot to give you a link to what I was talking about



If I'm gonna go with the Stinkbud method, can I start from seeds or do I have to have clones? I'm sure there is some info somewhere in this thread but I've already looked on about a hundred pages and haven't seen anything.


Well-Known Member
u can start from seed,I did. i just used rockwool cuber my first time. now i clone
whoa what happened to stinkbud??? he has like the most rep with 0% activity. where did he go?


Well-Known Member
ive made some tweaks but u need to understand that its a great base and u make adjustments to fit ur needs
alot of it is the size of room and the lights u want to run..........
i like 2 systems per light........either 600 or 1000
its all up to you


Active Member
Hey guys,

I decided to post this here instead of plant problems.

Look at the pics. Can anyone shed some light on what maybe the problem?

P.H. @ 5.8
Nutes @ 1480

Running the botanicaire as per stinkbud recipe.

Thank you for your time,


Well after another flush they are coming out of it!

Strange! Using the same stinkbud method as always.

Thanks for the help guys.
