Well-Known Member
found another good one showing the great honest qualities of the conservatives
wow i'd thought that would be a stretch even for them.
once again; criminal (so fitting Con is in the party name eh?)
http://www.nationalnewswatch.com/20...g-smoke-about-trudeaus-pot-plan/#.U-z9a_ldVpqOTTAWA - "The Liberal Party of Canada's most pressing policy announcement under Justin Trudeau's leadership was to endorse the legalization of marijuana ... What is more troubling is that Justin has been conducting cross-country tours, speaking to elementary school students about the benefits of marijuana." — Flyer sent by Veterans Affairs Minister Julian Fantino to residents of Vaughan, Ont., in late July
Retired police officer Julian Fantino, the Conservative minister of veterans affairs, recently distributed a flyer to residents of his Toronto-area riding attacking Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau's support of marijuana legalization.
Fantino's flyer, like similarly worded mailings by other Tory MPs, says Trudeau's "first order of business is to make marijuana more accessible to minors," and that the Liberals "want to make buying marijuana a normal, everyday activity for young Canadians."
It also says the Liberal leader has "visited schools to tell kids that pot should be legal."
But just how accurate are the claims in Fantino's flyer?
Spoiler alert: The Canadian Press Baloney Meter is a dispassionate examination of political statements culminating in a ranking of accuracy on a scale of "no baloney" to "full of baloney" (complete methodology below).
wow i'd thought that would be a stretch even for them.
once again; criminal (so fitting Con is in the party name eh?)