Harper spending $5 million for anti-pot campaign

found another good one showing the great honest qualities of the conservatives

OTTAWA - "The Liberal Party of Canada's most pressing policy announcement under Justin Trudeau's leadership was to endorse the legalization of marijuana ... What is more troubling is that Justin has been conducting cross-country tours, speaking to elementary school students about the benefits of marijuana." — Flyer sent by Veterans Affairs Minister Julian Fantino to residents of Vaughan, Ont., in late July

Retired police officer Julian Fantino, the Conservative minister of veterans affairs, recently distributed a flyer to residents of his Toronto-area riding attacking Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau's support of marijuana legalization.

Fantino's flyer, like similarly worded mailings by other Tory MPs, says Trudeau's "first order of business is to make marijuana more accessible to minors," and that the Liberals "want to make buying marijuana a normal, everyday activity for young Canadians."

It also says the Liberal leader has "visited schools to tell kids that pot should be legal."

But just how accurate are the claims in Fantino's flyer?

Spoiler alert: The Canadian Press Baloney Meter is a dispassionate examination of political statements culminating in a ranking of accuracy on a scale of "no baloney" to "full of baloney" (complete methodology below).

wow i'd thought that would be a stretch even for them.
once again; criminal (so fitting Con is in the party name eh?)
Do you guys ever get the feeling your living in the Bizzarro world? I just can't see why some folks just can't see. It's really mind blowing at the outdated thinking some humans seem to have. Makes ya shake your head til your neck hurts!
These guys ( The Gov. ) spend other folks money so wastefully it's literally sickening.
Lol my conservative government has a first name it's A-S-S my conservitarive government has a second name H-O-L-E-S... So full of shit the conservatives are:bigjoint:
Here is the first letter to a talk radio show. I'll let you know if it or I will be going on air. This guy is very pro marijuana and it is always a good discussion.

We spoke some time ago regarding the new rules for medical marijuana and I have another marijuana related issue I feel needs to be addressed. As you know, we won round 1 with the judge granting us previously covered by the mmar, an injunction.The new mmpr is clearly not working and patients are forced to buy from the black market or wait, sometimes months, for their medicine. I am very confident we will also get a favourable ruling at the constitutional challenge in February. Your show and others made a huge contribution to that decision by presenting a balanced view and keeping the issue in the news, and I thank you. I am hoping that by shedding some light on this current issue, we will have the same effect.

My current source of frustration is two fold. On July 30,2014, the Harper government released the results of an taxpayer funded Ipsos-Reid poll for the Department of Justice to gauge Canadians' views on marijuana and prostitution. More than two thirds of Canadians polled, favoured 'softer laws' from decriminalization to outright legalization. Fast forward two weeks to August 13,2014 when the Harper government announced it was looking for doctors to endorse a 5 million dollar, taxpayer funded advertising campaign against marijuana use. This whole idea is wrong on so many levels it makes my head spin!

First, lets address the blatant use of tax dollars to push what they have made into their biggest election weapon...attempting to discredit their opponent for his stance on marijuana. The endless attack ads and fliers making slanderous accusations are disgusting enough, and now they want us to pay to sit through another 12 months of it. I can think of many uses for that $5 million that would actually be of some benefit to the people it was appropriated from.

Next is the issue of the poll itself. Why did the government need another poll to tell them the same thing every poll since 2000 has indicated; a vast majority of Canadians want the laws surrounding marijuana use relaxed or abolished. I couldn't find the cost of that poll, but it was clearly another waste of tax dollars.

After getting the results of this poll which was actually conducted in February,2014, the Harper government kept the results secret while ridiculing Justin Trudeau for voicing the same opinion as most Canadians have. The number of trees sacrificed to print glossy(read:non-recyclable) pamphlets telling us how Justin Trudeau is visiting elementary schools extolling the virtues of weed, is in itself a crime not to mention the content. How some of the conservative MP's are not the defendants in libel cases is beyond me.

After letting the public in on the incredulous results of the poll, the government decides to spend 5 million of yours and my tax dollars to warn us poor uneducated folk of the dangers of marijuana use. And just to try to gain a little credibility, they have asked the college of physicians and surgeons to endorse it. I'm all for education to keep pot away from young people, but unless they are willing to reinstate alcohol prohibition, their 'save the children' arguments in favour of continued marijuana prohibition are moot. Five million dollars spent on trying to push Stephen Harper's antiquated sense of morals on a supposedly democratic society, who has clearly said they aren't interested,is criminal.

Thanks for 'listening' and I hope you can find a few minutes to address this issue.



I saw this go across the cbc ticker this morning. This is from thestar.com.

Justin Trudeau criticizes Tories plan to recruit doctors in anti-pot ads.

SASKATOON—Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau is lashing out at the Conservative government over a report that Health Canada has approached three doctors’ groups to sign onto an anti-pot advertising campaign.

Trudeau says this is another example of the Stephen Harper government using taxpayer money to run partisan campaigns meant to attack him.

The Postmedia report says Health Canada has approached the Canadian Medical Association, the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada and the College of Family Physicians of Canada.

The report quotes an unnamed source as saying the organizations wouldn’t have to pay for the $5 million campaign, but their logos and endorsements would appear in them.

Trudeau says he agrees with Health Canada’s message that marijuana use in young Canadians is dangerously high. But he says the government shouldn’t pay for the ads and called on doctors to speak out about it.

“We know that Canadian taxpayers are getting extremely frustrated with the fact this government tends to use public money for ads that do more for its partisan aims than for actual public service,” Trudeau said Thursday during a visit to Saskatoon.

“It’s a real concern that this government has its priorities in the wrong place.”

He said Canadians want a debate based on logic and evidence when it comes tomarijuana laws in the country.

Current marijuana laws are failing to protect teens from the dangers of the drug and are fuelling criminal enterprises by keeping it illegal, he said.

The Harper government has suggested Trudeau’s policy of legalizing the drug means it will be readily available to children and teens.

Trudeau said he is not advocating making pot available for young people but rather opening up discussion on how to make the current laws more effective.
already adjusting whats hes been saying! I don't trust him anymore than harper
Agreed, my initial thought was at least he responded, BUT, he could/should have gone further and better step up his game if he's going to take on the conservative fear-mongering tactics. A couple of months ago I posted somewhere that it'll be interesting to see how serious Trudeau is about this issue. Not liking the pussy-footing so far...
That last quote/line tells me he's been listening to his political advisor(s). Take a f'n stand one way or the other Justin!
I would first vote for a neighbour I don't like than, any of these parties. Funny thing is harper Justin and the bearded guy..... all are puppets of corporations and only do things that help them out when they are out of office. Clearly they all suck, I for one refuse to vote for the less shitty one ...... that would be like buying 3 orders of shitty weed from tweed and then buying a forth!
Its only 5 million, they send a shit load more to other countries to buy guns and feed the rebels. We have homeless, starving children and poor living conditions...we really need to spend what makes sence not on fucking weed. Go for it harper, ban marijuana doooo itttt. Watch the biggest economic melt down since the 1930s...douche.
I would first vote for a neighbour I don't like than, any of these parties. Funny thing is harper Justin and the bearded guy..... all are puppets of corporations and only do things that help them out when they are out of office. Clearly they all suck, I for one refuse to vote for the less shitty one ...... that would be like buying 3 orders of shitty weed from tweed and then buying a forth!
they're all bad.. but ones is far far worse.
i dunno man, they all do what's good for them, and their party, and whoever else they owe favors too..
but in the end, atleast the one i vote for will be closer to my ideals than the current regime is.
i mean Harpler really couldn't be more opposite of my values. and has stripped all my pride of being Canadian
i don't see Canada quite as draconian or NWO as america either.. we're just not important enough to be. so it's not too corporation controlled like them. influenced, but not controlled IMO

and that thought-process like the one you posted.. is exactly what the cons are hoping for. nobody to vote for thinking = conservatives win again. (cause us peons are the only ones who feel that way. the corrupt have their vote locked)

your analogy is a bit off too IMO.. it would be like buying 3 orders from tweed.. and choosing to smoke the less shittiest ;-)
Its only 5 million, they send a shit load more to other countries to buy guns and feed the rebels. We have homeless, starving children and poor living conditions...we really need to spend what makes sence not on fucking weed. Go for it harper, ban marijuana doooo itttt. Watch the biggest economic melt down since the 1930s...douche.

ya not smart! we don't want a economic melt down! you wont have food let alone the gov paying for your life, welfare or weed. you think you patients have it rough now lol
bad economy will lead to marshall law and you don't want that!