Harper spending $5 million for anti-pot campaign


Well-Known Member
Can you believe these idiots? Everyone should immediately write their MP to protest and cc it to your local paper. On July 30 I posted a link to an article about a poll. conducted FOR THE HARPER GOV showing 70% of Canadians favour legalization. Fast forward two weeks, and this same government is spending 5 mil of OUR money to tell people how bad it is. Now I'm f*ckin pissed off! The Liberals need to jump on this and attack Harper for the blatant disregard of the wishes of the people and the shameless waste of tax dollars to push their idea of morality on the people.I made the rounds on talk radio shows prior to the mmar court challenge and I'll see if I can't get a little airtime with this one.
Conservative government asks Canadian doctors to endorse taxpayer-funded ad campaign against marijuana

As the Conservatives repeatedly attack Liberal leader Justin Trudeau over his support for the legalization of marijuana, the federal government has asked three groups representing Canadian doctors to endorse a taxpayer-funded advertising campaign warning about the drug’s health risks for young people.

Health Canada has approached the Canadian Medical Association, the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada and the College of Family Physicians of Canada asking them to sign on to the broadcast advertising campaign, scheduled to launch some time in the fall.

The organizations would not be required to fund the ad campaign, estimated to cost $5 million, but their logos and endorsements would appear in them, according to a source familiar with the proposal.

The campaign comes as the Conservative Party runs its own attack ads alleging Mr. Trudeau’s approach to legalization would make it easier for children to obtain pot.

On Tuesday, the party reposted an online video highlighting Trudeau statements on legalization, with the closing line, “Help keep marijuana away from our kids.”

The Tories have also repeatedly cited Mr. Trudeau’s marijuana position in email campaigns aimed at shaking more money out of supporters, even though recent polls show Canadians warming to the idea of liberalizing marijuana laws.

In a pamphlet sent to constituents earlier this year, Veterans Affairs Minister Julian Fantino alleged that Mr. Trudeau wants to “make buying marijuana a normal, everyday activity for young Canadians” and even charged that the Liberal leader wants to allow the sale of pot in corner stores.

In fact, Mr. Trudeau has suggested the government regulate and tax the sale of marijuana, similar to provincially regulated beer and liquor sales, and says this will help keep the drug away from children.

The ads from Health Canada, aimed at teens and parents, would not mention Mr. Trudeau or the Liberals but could present a more persuasive case against his approach to marijuana, particularly with stamps of approval from three of the country’s leading physician organizations.

The endorsements from these organizations would also allow the Tories to warn that Canadian doctors oppose Mr. Trudeau’s approach to marijuana reform. Together, the organizations count nearly 150,000 members.

But the request from Health Canada has made some affiliated with the organizations nervous about taking a public stance on what is becoming an increasingly partisan political issue, even if many physicians are concerned about pot’s long-term effects on physical and mental health.

One source familiar with the discussions with Health Canada said there were concerns that getting involved could undermine an organization’s perceived neutrality and credibility, potentially affecting its ability to advocate on health policy with governments in the future.

The ad campaign could also expose the Conservatives to allegations they are using government money and Health Canada’s brand to undermine a political opponent, in the guise of public health awareness.

But the College of Family Physicians of Canada says it is involved only to ensure the ads reflect a family-physician perspective on the health issues surrounding teenagers and recreational marijuana use.

The CFPC confirmed that it has signed an agreement with Health Canada to have its addiction medicine committee review television ads and other materials to ensure they are accurate and reflect concerns about how the drug can affect adolescents, said Eric Mang, CFPC’s director of health policy and government relations.

The CFPC is not being paid in any way and Dr. Mang said his organization does not see the ad campaign as political.
Can you believe these idiots? Everyone should immediately write their MP to protest and cc it to your local paper. On July 30 I posted a link to an article about a poll. conducted FOR THE HARPER GOV showing 70% of Canadians favour legalization. Fast forward two weeks, and this same government is spending 5 mil of OUR money to tell people how bad it is. Now I'm f*ckin pissed off! The Liberals need to jump on this and attack Harper for the blatant disregard of the wishes of the people and the shameless waste of tax dollars to push their idea of morality on the people.I made the rounds on talk radio shows prior to the mmar court challenge and I'll see if I can't get a little airtime with this one.
Conservative government asks Canadian doctors to endorse taxpayer-funded ad campaign against marijuana

As the Conservatives repeatedly attack Liberal leader Justin Trudeau over his support for the legalization of marijuana, the federal government has asked three groups representing Canadian doctors to endorse a taxpayer-funded advertising campaign warning about the drug’s health risks for young people.

Health Canada has approached the Canadian Medical Association, the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada and the College of Family Physicians of Canada asking them to sign on to the broadcast advertising campaign, scheduled to launch some time in the fall.

The organizations would not be required to fund the ad campaign, estimated to cost $5 million, but their logos and endorsements would appear in them, according to a source familiar with the proposal.

The campaign comes as the Conservative Party runs its own attack ads alleging Mr. Trudeau’s approach to legalization would make it easier for children to obtain pot.

On Tuesday, the party reposted an online video highlighting Trudeau statements on legalization, with the closing line, “Help keep marijuana away from our kids.”

The Tories have also repeatedly cited Mr. Trudeau’s marijuana position in email campaigns aimed at shaking more money out of supporters, even though recent polls show Canadians warming to the idea of liberalizing marijuana laws.

In a pamphlet sent to constituents earlier this year, Veterans Affairs Minister Julian Fantino alleged that Mr. Trudeau wants to “make buying marijuana a normal, everyday activity for young Canadians” and even charged that the Liberal leader wants to allow the sale of pot in corner stores.

In fact, Mr. Trudeau has suggested the government regulate and tax the sale of marijuana, similar to provincially regulated beer and liquor sales, and says this will help keep the drug away from children.

The ads from Health Canada, aimed at teens and parents, would not mention Mr. Trudeau or the Liberals but could present a more persuasive case against his approach to marijuana, particularly with stamps of approval from three of the country’s leading physician organizations.

The endorsements from these organizations would also allow the Tories to warn that Canadian doctors oppose Mr. Trudeau’s approach to marijuana reform. Together, the organizations count nearly 150,000 members.

But the request from Health Canada has made some affiliated with the organizations nervous about taking a public stance on what is becoming an increasingly partisan political issue, even if many physicians are concerned about pot’s long-term effects on physical and mental health.

One source familiar with the discussions with Health Canada said there were concerns that getting involved could undermine an organization’s perceived neutrality and credibility, potentially affecting its ability to advocate on health policy with governments in the future.

The ad campaign could also expose the Conservatives to allegations they are using government money and Health Canada’s brand to undermine a political opponent, in the guise of public health awareness.

But the College of Family Physicians of Canada says it is involved only to ensure the ads reflect a family-physician perspective on the health issues surrounding teenagers and recreational marijuana use.

The CFPC confirmed that it has signed an agreement with Health Canada to have its addiction medicine committee review television ads and other materials to ensure they are accurate and reflect concerns about how the drug can affect adolescents, said Eric Mang, CFPC’s director of health policy and government relations.

The CFPC is not being paid in any way and Dr. Mang said his organization does not see the ad campaign as political.
No FUCKING way this is happening! NOT without a FIGHT!

I will not only write my MPP, I am going to suggest the liberal party fund more personal PRO MEDICAL marijuana ads.

From the mouth of PATIENTS.

Let's see the Conservative government try to put a negative spin on Nanna using her medicine. Or a Cancer patient. Or even me - who wasted 16 years of her life being So fucking SAD.

The only way they are going to be able to do this - is if NONE of us speak up.

We should ALL speak up!!!!
So easy to spend what you never worked for. Every profanity that exists and some that don't would not even equal how pissed off that makes me.
Fuck Harptler that piece of garbage and his whole party.....we must ALL so fight this regime of ass hat drunk alcoholic bastards.
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Harper and his biased opion waste more of tax payers money.... Is the way the media should run with this. I think I speak for the majority of Canadians when I say FUCK YOU Steve go waste your own fucking money not the Canadian peoples. And they wonder why Canadians spend 40% of there annual income on taxes. Please in 2015 tell everyone to vote anything but conservative.
The best and and most over looked part is that, Health Canada was acting like it did some big thing when it allegedly spent 2Million on creating the MMPR, they acted like that was a lot of money and they tried to act like they are doing what the courts asked them because they spent 2million and they were acting like this was a lot to spend. Now they spend 5mill with out blinking to say Cannabis is bad. This whole fight against the Canadian citizens is getting way out of hand.
No shit, in the community I live in had to close the emergency room due to funding and to find a doctor that doesn't have a three week waiting list is impossible!!! And they throw 5 mill away on false advertising. Ya Steven you are really worried about the children of Canada. Nice illusion
Better to talk to your family doctor and have them complain to the College of Family Physicians
what makes you think your doc, being paid by pharma will complain for youm lol get off your own ass and do something!!!

The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
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Thanks for the contact number Rnr. I will be voicing my concerns with them this afternoon. Everyone should be calling emailing them bugging the fuck out of them. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.

Did we expect any different from Harper? Just the beginning folks, this is the type of thing that will show us whether Trudeau is serious and up to the task of fighting this fight and keeping Harper and his games in check. We can make noise and do whatever we can to fight, but Trudeau will need to step up his game if he's serious about supporting this fight.
Just sent this of to the board of physicians...

To whom it may concern.

I am writing to you as a very concerned tax paying citizen of Canada. Please do not let a conservative political agenda view of medical marihuana and it's risks to youth be endorsed by our physicians and surgeons. If anything should be brought to the Canadian citizens attention it should be:

- the epidemic of abuse of prescription pain killers and youth

- funding for more hospitals doctors nurses etc.

- instead of a slander campaign they could use the 5million and fund research regarding marihuana for medical purposes

I am also a medical marihuana patient. Who has tried many other prescriptions for my ailments with minimal to no results. I was wondering if there is anyway with all the medical documents that support the medical uses of cannabis out there. If you could please advise health Canada to reevaluate there opinion on MMJ. The results of actual research/studies that have been done on this plant conclude that many ailments can benefit from MMJ. Also the late Dr. Lester Grinspoon who was the head of Harvard medical states "how the people have been mislead" in his book titled Marijuana Reconsidered. He also endorsed the plant for its medical purposes and down played the health risks the government has lead us to believe exist. So please do not consider the conservative parties agenda of slander.

Thanks again
No shit, in the community I live in had to close the emergency room due to funding and to find a doctor that doesn't have a three week waiting list is impossible!!! And they throw 5 mill away on false advertising. Ya Steven you are really worried about the children of Canada. Nice illusion
He's pure garbage.....I hoping for a kook to pop up.
what did they already blow the 11.5 million they slated for anti pot program back in december last year? (or pro pot education they say.. HA!)
The Tories want to make sure you know recreational drug use is not okay. Despite what certain leaders of other parties may suggest.

And they're backing it up with a $11.5-million program.

The funding from Health Canada will go towards education and prevention "on the impact of youth marijuana use on the developing brain," according to a government release cited in the National Post.

The initiative, announced Wednesday in B.C. by Health Minister Rona Ambrose, will spend five years telling Canadian kids that drugs are bad -- but the timing suggests a thinly-veiled attack on Liberal leader Justin Trudeau.

wow no cash for social problems, but we can find $16.5 million for Harpers anti pot crusade.