Hey,hey it's another fine Sunday so it only seemed fiting to do a we bit of an update.
I've got me haHsh Pipe cleaned and straped on.Some classic Geordie play n' in the back ground so it's all good to go.
The kids are now into their 5th week on the veg side of life as we know it.
Things got a little sketchy with the kids a week ago.I had re-potted them and also gave them a feeding using some left over A.N. products that I wanted to finish off.As it turned out I guess some thing went sour and the plants started to sufer for it.The kids started looking really pale and lime-ish green with in a few days of feeding.So I flushed out the soil then I ended up re-potting them again to avoid any more problems.Its been a few days now since this all took place and am happy to report that the kids are back on track..
They are starting to get the color back and have grown a few a couple of inch's.
Yesterday I gave the kids some fresh tea that I brewed up.
I want to break away from bottled nutrients and really go as organic as possible.I'm leaning towards the Rev's TLO (True Living Organics ) and I think I can make it work for me a on a small scale.
Yesterday's Tea was a mix of
This is just a copy and paste.The only thing I didn't add was the Fox farms Peace of Mind which is not available here.

Mix pr galon.
Vegetative Stage Recipe
* One Gallon Water *: R/O water,rain water,distilled etc. etc.
* One Teaspoon Black Strap Molasses (unsulfured)1-0-5)*:
Be sure to use only the unsulfured variety.This is because sulfur kills microlife,especially fungus (unless it's elemental sulfur in small ratios).
* One Teaspoon liquid Alaskan Fish Fertilizer (5-1-1)*:
Fungus and bacteria both love fish ferts and go nuts reproducing when it's included.
* One Cup Earthworm Castings (vermicompost) or good outdoor compost*:
Vermicompost provides humates,enzymes,protozoa,nematodes,bacteria,fungus ,trace elements,secondary and primary nutrients.
So thats about it for now.I'll keep you posted.