Hardy strains for begginers to try and grow with.


I've finally decided to try my hand at growing,and was wondering if you guys had reccomendations for strains that are relatively "easy" for a first timer. Thanks P&P:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Most sites that sell seeds tell you the difficulty in growing. For our first grow we tried big black indica which were rated easy to grow, and they were. i'd recommend this strain. i have my grow in my sig. happy growin

Pure Kush

Well atm I am doing bag seeds (which is what is recommended for the 1st timer, so they dont waste money and fuck up their seeds they paid for)! This is my first time growing too, and as I said I am using bag seeds, however next grow I am going to order these seeds:

Because these plants can with stand ANY climate, and are more perisite resistent, according to the company which I trust. So I will be trying these, so if you want something "easy" and something that can withstand climate I would get this, espcially for outdoor grows! If your not doing outdoors and your gonna grow indoors, I would suggest ANY strain, just because its easier to grow any strain indoors than out, because you can control climate, etc.


Well-Known Member
I've only ever bought seeds over the counter. I'd say do that so you can have a look and a good discussion with the salesman about which strains to go for. You can barter too.

But I agree, bagseed is always a good idea and a fun lucky dip of strains.