Hardest of waters

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
But the hose is fine for the lawn and garden.
I don't grow cannabis in soil. I don't eat the grass in my lawn, and I specifically use an RV hose (no toxic chems, safe to drink from) to water my veggie garden and consumables. Does that work for you now?


Well-Known Member
Well the rest of us are fucked, because literally every other motherfucker in the fucking universe uses a GARDEN HOSE


Well-Known Member
Call me a hobbit under a rock, but iv never heard of anyone but commercial applications using food grade plumbing. That’s a whole other realm of sanitary lol. I’m not hating on it.

But I grew up drinking out the garden hose as kid. I guess my days are numbered

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
Yeah, call me weird for not wanting to drink carcinogenic water. Crazy eh? I dunno, I just learned years ago how nasty most garden hoses are so I started buying RV hoses which don't leach nasty shit into the water. I also buy food grade buckets to store my water in. If you wanna drink your water from a cancer hose, go for it I guess. I'll stick with my drinking water safe RV hose.



Well-Known Member
Yeah, call me weird for not wanting to drink carcinogenic water. Crazy eh? I dunno, I just learned years ago how nasty most garden hoses are so I started buying RV hoses which don't leach nasty shit into the water. I also buy food grade buckets to store my water in. If you wanna drink your water from a cancer hose, go for it I guess. I'll stick with my drinking water safe RV hose.

I’ll see your rv hose and raise a 200 year old spring


Well-Known Member
Back in the day , drinking out the hose was just the way it was …. As a youngster , we had the scary park drinking taps and hoses from sears or ace hardware. Drank it , blasted neighbors dog with it , washed the old 70 firebird with it , goldfish shat in it , made ramen with it.

The hose isn’t the issue. It’s what has become of the water sources. Anyone crowing they have a “ complete clean water source “ is pretty much full of shit. Reports now state 94% of water samples from the United States contained microplastics , plus they break down to nanometer sizes , so now what ? Bottled water faired no difference either. Down to one-one thousandth of one-one thousandth of a millimeter. It is absorbed into lymph nodes as well as airborne particulates into body. It’s literally everywhere - studies began in the 1960’s but up to this point data was kinda buried.

Plastics have been burned , buried , recycled and tossed everywhere in environment. Even in desolate areas of Antarctica from some ice cores that are devoid of human activity.

A spiffy new hose means what to the product dumping from it ?
Water still fucked coming out of it.

I used to run “ food grade “ hempy containers but thought why ? There was the hazard of crystallized silica from perlite use , heavy metal components in nute lines , the ‘ water ‘ itself and other “ supplemental “ add ins. Sure the lawn gets it , cats drink it , shower with it - hard to face facts that everything has some sort of pollutant. That’s why I don’t even bother or hyper focus on RO system , because there are things bonded to the water that will never come out.

Not here to change anyone’s mind
Just my observation


Well-Known Member
This came out today …..


  • A huge mass of wet wipes has formed in the Thames in London, changing the course of the river.
  • The "wet wipe island" is the size of two tennis courts.
  • Ministers are urging the public to not flush wet wipes, and are considering a ban on those that contain plastic.
A "wet wipe island" the size of two tennis courts has formed in the Thames, causing the river as it flows through London to change course, according to The Times of London.

Ministers have asked people to stop using wet wipes, and the government is considering banning those that contain plastic.

Fleur Anderson, a Labour MP, warned that when flushed down the drains, wet wipes don't disintegrate and instead end up in the Thames, England's second-longest river.

"There's an island the size of two tennis courts, and I've been and stood on it — it's near Hammersmith Bridge in the Thames, and it's a meter deep or more in places of just wet wipes. It's actually changed the course of the Thames," Anderson during a session of questions on the environment, food, and rural affairs in the Commons, per The Times.

Anderson has proposed banning the manufacture and sale of wet wipes containing plastic, The Times reported, noting that it is unlikely to become law without government backing.

Most wet wipes are made with plastic, which does not break down when flushed, according to environmental charity Thames21.

Furthermore, they can break down into microplastic and damage aquatic life and the Thames' ecosystem, the charity said.


Well-Known Member
Back in the day , drinking out the hose was just the way it was …. As a youngster , we had the scary park drinking taps and hoses from sears or ace hardware. Drank it , blasted neighbors dog with it , washed the old 70 firebird with it , goldfish shat in it , made ramen with it.

The hose isn’t the issue. It’s what has become of the water sources. Anyone crowing they have a “ complete clean water source “ is pretty much full of shit. Reports now state 94% of water samples from the United States contained microplastics , plus they break down to nanometer sizes , so now what ? Bottled water faired no difference either. Down to one-one thousandth of one-one thousandth of a millimeter. It is absorbed into lymph nodes as well as airborne particulates into body. It’s literally everywhere - studies began in the 1960’s but up to this point data was kinda buried.

Plastics have been burned , buried , recycled and tossed everywhere in environment. Even in desolate areas of Antarctica from some ice cores that are devoid of human activity.

A spiffy new hose means what to the product dumping from it ?
Water still fucked coming out of it.

I used to run “ food grade “ hempy containers but thought why ? There was the hazard of crystallized silica from perlite use , heavy metal components in nute lines , the ‘ water ‘ itself and other “ supplemental “ add ins. Sure the lawn gets it , cats drink it , shower with it - hard to face facts that everything has some sort of pollutant. That’s why I don’t even bother or hyper focus on RO system , because there are things bonded to the water that will never come out.

Not here to change anyone’s mind
Just my observation
I have a complete clean water source.



Well-Known Member
I just watched a documentary that everyone on the earth has microplastics in their bloodstream. Idk how true it is. But it not hard to believe