Hard water


Well-Known Member
whats up people's!!! I have been using store bought ro water for while now and it's getting old. My water out of tap reads 530ppm!!! I've never tried it because of reading hard water is usually a bad thing. Anyways i just started reading one of AL B FUCTS threads and came across this quote from him!!

How about you just use tapwater? It's served me well for about 20 years.

There's just no need for RO or other heroically filtered water. Chlorine is the indoor grower's friend, suppressing pathogens in rez tanks for a couple of days until the chlorine evaporates. After then, you must use an anti-microbial agent like H2O2 to keep your nutrient soup from being a friendly home to pathogens. Minerals like calcium and magnesium found in tapwater are essential micronutrients, which if they were not in the water would need to be added anyway.

Some folks will maintain that chlorination will kill beneficial microbes in soil. Do you like this 12ft tall cherry tomato plant I grew in my organic veg patch out back
last season?

Can anybody confirm this? I just assumed 530 was way to high... idk


Well-Known Member
Have you tried mixing 50/50 with tap to see what it comes down to?
At least that would reduce the amount of water you buy.


Well-Known Member
530 way to high if tap water was low like around 100 it would be different use rain water if you can


Well-Known Member
Have you tried mixing 50/50 with tap to see what it comes down to?
At least that would reduce the amount of water you buy.
Actually i have thought about it, but i was under the impression less ppm from water ment more ppms from nutes? Just thought it was interesting that Al said that. He was a bible for growing.. imo.. from everything i've read.


Well-Known Member
thats correct but the plants are getting the correct nutes not salts and others that are no go for them and to start young plants i dont go 300 and weekly i increase it so not to burn them, hydro theres no forgivness like there is in soil

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
my tapwater runs 350 after carbon prefiltering I mix it 50/50 with r/o. If you can get it down to 200-250 you should be golden.