I had nph, normal pressure encephalitis. It's taken me years to get this correctly identified and treated. I have ptss, traumatized by medical errors and too many falls. I started medical marijuana 2 years ago. The amount of information out there is overwhelming. So here's how to simplify it. I use a cbd product during the day and a thc product at bedtime. Use a well-known supplier. In my case it is Suterra. Do NOT use products from grocery stores, health food stores, etc. because you do not have any assurance that you are getting a pure product. Thc makes me tipsy or even drunk, so I do not leave the house. I have no appetite so I drink Boost during the day, and the thc gives me the appetite to eat a good dinner. I have acute anxiety and depression. Medical marijuana helps me manage my life. I take Pristiq for the anxiety and get weekly shots of ketamine for my depression. I do not hurt anywhere even though my spine is messed up with arthritis and wear-and-tear. Just remember: cbd during the day, and thc at night. There's so much more to know if you want to, but I don't want to confuse anybody. I'm available for questions.