Hard ass beans

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
Im germing Moscas cindy99bx1 and these fuckers are as hard as bbs.I soaked 5 in ph water and hormone powder for two days before putting them in the cloth(also scuffed with a finger nail file).Ive never had any problems germing but these are some hard ass beans.Ive got three out of 5 but would like to do better on the next 5.Anybody else ever had seeds so hard they dont want to shed the shell.Any tips on germing hard seeds would be great.



Well-Known Member
Im germing Moscas cindy99bx1 and these fuckers are as hard as bbs.I soaked 5 in ph water and hormone powder for two days before putting them in the cloth(also scuffed with a finger nail file).Ive never had any problems germing but these are some hard ass beans.Ive got three out of 5 but would like to do better on the next 5.Anybody else ever had seeds so hard they dont want to shed the shell.Any tips on germing hard seeds would be great.
Have you tried using a heating pad? I usually get sprouts a day or two quicker with one.

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
Ive got two pads and both are in use with my cloner and dome.Ill try to move the pad off to the side and use the corner of the mat................,Thanks


Well-Known Member
Ive got two pads and both are in use with my cloner and dome.Ill try to move the pad off to the side and use the corner of the mat................,Thanks
I've never tried it but I've heard that if you freeze beans like that for 2 weeks or so you may have a better success rate.

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
The ones that are going to go popped pretty quick the others just kind of stalled(they have started to crack but dont look viable to me)Soaked two days in water and two days in the cloth


Well-Known Member
a knowledgable member told me to wait as long as 2 weeks.maybe a lil more patience?i threw some mine out after 7 days an now wish i had waited longer.cause for me its pain ful to pay for seeds,know what i mean?PEACE


Well-Known Member
my steps
first night under water on heating pad if split to soil
seciond night under peroxide on heat pad if spllit to soil if not to napkins keep on heat pad keep damp with mist for aweek
after week i start scarcification depend on how i feel might include picking the edge of seem where it splits off , or sandpaper .or picking a piece off , if i feel really destructive or desperate i take a razor blade and open bean where it splits carful not to injure baby inside then to napkin

in the end im at about 100 %
some just throw out if dont split in 2 days must have money

good luck


i have never had this problem, but have heard of a solution:-P.... line a small matchbox with sandpaper, put seeds in, shake around for awhile... the point is to scuff the hard shell a little bit so that it can absorb water easier...

as stated, i have never really encountered this problem, but i have had seeds take 2weeks to pop.... just gotta be patient and loving:-P


Well-Known Member
i have never had this problem, but have heard of a solution:-P.... line a small matchbox with sandpaper, put seeds in, shake around for awhile... the point is to scuff the hard shell a little bit so that it can absorb water easier...

as stated, i have never really encountered this problem, but i have had seeds take 2weeks to pop.... just gotta be patient and loving:-P
yet another common sense approach.ingenious!WELL DONE


New Member
Gogrow is correct. I use an emery board.....just a few scratches in one place near the tip bzz bzz, it's done. It doesn't take much.

I don't think putting hormone powder in the solution does much of anything.


Well-Known Member
im told hormone powder actually inhibits root growth, that it is only for making roots break through a cut clone.


New Member
Yes Slik... correct. It's not an all purpose powder. There are far better nutes to promote root growth than rooting hormones. The hormones simply tell the covered area.... "hey, produce some roots here".

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
I was following Mosca Negras directions with the powder,anyway I just checked the last two and they have popped now so I got all 5 to germ and freaked a little early............Thanks and peace