Happy Valentines Day BUDdy - An Awesome Vault promo!

my sweetheart has been asking for me to grow some bruce banner for two years now , these would make a great valentines gift for her , a big fat bouquet of bruce banner buds ! thanks again george/the vault , you guys are the greatest !
For V-Day I bought my lady a custom made "love book" that tells the story of how we met, why I fell in love with her, and all kinds of other lovely things. HOPEFULLY she loves it, AND it earns me some free seeds :)

Happy V-Day guys!
Thinking about some video games and masturbation...sigh....same thing i got me last year.
I got no love.....wait...i do love free seeds.
I was supposed to have a nice night out with my girlfriend of 4 years. Spent months in advance planning out the perfect night until she broke up with me yesterday due to a recent conflict... now probably just going to spend some time with my plants and make the best of the situation. Thank you for the opportunity for a chance to win some seeds George & The Vault, figured I would give it a try.