Happy thread :)

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Thanks for all the nice responses. I was just hoping to bring this thread back on track.
I sometimes let my wife smoke. One or two hits only. More than that and I've got a basket case.
Since it impedes short term memory that's the last thing she needs.
Wild, emotional, roller-coaster.
Anyway I've thought of taking her to some open mike, throw a hit or two into her put her on stage.
She gets me laughing to the point of tears.
Funniest part she doesn't know what's so funny.
I probably won't help, because you can't get access to it, but here it is for what it's worth, hope for the future perhaps.
Memory mechanisms in humans are much more complex than mice.

Good luck, sometimes there are no solutions. Your suffering is in proportion to your love for her.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Corinthians 13:4-8

Drug Reverses Age-Related Mental Decline Within Days | UC San Francisco (ucsf.edu)

Drug Reverses Age-Related Mental Decline Within Days
Rapid Rejuvenation of Mental Faculties in Aged Mice Implicates Reversible Physiological ‘Blockage’ Behind Age-Related Cognitive Losses


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Matt Gaetz Deletes Lee Harvey Oswald Tweet After Top Conservatives Tricked (newsweek.com)

Matt Gaetz Deletes Lee Harvey Oswald Tweet After Top Conservatives Tricked

Matt Gaetz has deleted a picture of Lee Harvey Oswald after he and several other conservative figures were tricked into retweeting a picture of President John F. Kennedy's assassin on Memorial Day.

Journalist Ken Klippenstein trolled prominent Republicans, including Florida Congressman Rep. Gaetz, American Conservative Union Chairman Matt Schlapp and conservative commentator Dinesh D'Souza into sharing the picture of the infamous killer.

Klippenstein tweeted at the conservative figures and pretended Oswald, who was pictured wearing his army uniform, was a family member.

He asked Rep. Gaetz: "Congressman, my grandpa's a big fan of yours and is a veteran, he would be thrilled if you could RT this photo of him for Memorial Day. Here he is as a young Private First Class."

"Happy Memorial Day."

Rep. Gaetz retweeted the photo and Klippenstein's comments along with a flag emoji while Schlapp said: "Wow @kenklippenstein it's my honor to retweet the photo of a veteran on a day we remember his fallen friends. God bless your grandfather."

D'Souza also retweeted the photo along with Klippenstein's comments.

Rep. Gaetz along with D'Souza and Schlapp all deleted the photo after it came to their attention who the photo was of.

While many Twitter users ridiculed the Republicans for falling for Klippenstein's prank, controversial conservative commentator Candace Owens hit out at the journalist and alleged the Oswald picture in question was photoshopped.

In response to Klippenstein, Owens said: "It is not 'political correctness' to have a soul and a modicum of decency.

"Reminder: These men died—the majority of them on foreign soil—so that you could be free. You do not photoshop murderers into their uniforms so that you can have a laugh."

Klippenstein later appeared to taunt Owens by retweeting a comment by Travis Akers where he claimed she did not know about Oswald's time in the U.S. military.

It read: ".@RealCandaceO thinks @kenklippenstein photoshopped the face of Lee Harvey Oswald onto a man in uniform, not knowing Oswald was actually a veteran and that the picture was him in uniform.

"But then again, she did drop out of college."

Klippenstein commented alongside the retweet: "Candace has treated me very badly!"

The photo of Oswald in military uniform that was shared by the Republican figures was not photoshopped and is the same one that was found in his wallet on the day he was arrested in connection with the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

Oswald served in the army and was ultimately given an "undesirable discharge" from the Marine Corps Reserve in September 1960.

He would later become one of the most infamous and well-known figures in American history when he shot and killed President Kennedy in Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963.

Oswald himself was assassinated two days later on live television by nightclub owner Jack Ruby.

Newsweek has reached out to Rep. Gaetz, Schlapp, D'Souza, Owens and Klippenstein for comment.


Well-Known Member
Boat explodes in viral video after boaters allegedly harassed vessel flying pride flags
A boat carrying a group of people who were reportedly harassing a family for having LGBTQ+ pride flags spontaneously blew up over the weekend in Washington state, BuzzFeed News reported.

Video of the incident, which took place on Moses Lake, went viral on TikTok and Twitter after users shared it to the social media platforms.

"These people harassed my family because we were flying gay pride flags," the user wrote. "Then, their boat literally blew up!"

The TikTok video shows the group approaching the family's boat, with various people on board holding up their middle fingers. Their boat is then seen billowing smoke, with large flames shooting up as the passengers swim in the water with life vests on.

According to BuzzFeed, the occupants of the burned boat swam to the boat they had been harassing for safety.


Boat explodes in viral video after boaters allegedly harassed vessel flying pride flags
A boat carrying a group of people who were reportedly harassing a family for having LGBTQ+ pride flags spontaneously blew up over the weekend in Washington state, BuzzFeed News reported.

Video of the incident, which took place on Moses Lake, went viral on TikTok and Twitter after users shared it to the social media platforms.

"These people harassed my family because we were flying gay pride flags," the user wrote. "Then, their boat literally blew up!"

The TikTok video shows the group approaching the family's boat, with various people on board holding up their middle fingers. Their boat is then seen billowing smoke, with large flames shooting up as the passengers swim in the water with life vests on.

According to BuzzFeed, the occupants of the burned boat swam to the boat they had been harassing for safety.
Gotta LOVE Karma!!!!

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Boat explodes in viral video after boaters allegedly harassed vessel flying pride flags
A boat carrying a group of people who were reportedly harassing a family for having LGBTQ+ pride flags spontaneously blew up over the weekend in Washington state, BuzzFeed News reported.

Video of the incident, which took place on Moses Lake, went viral on TikTok and Twitter after users shared it to the social media platforms.

"These people harassed my family because we were flying gay pride flags," the user wrote. "Then, their boat literally blew up!"

The TikTok video shows the group approaching the family's boat, with various people on board holding up their middle fingers. Their boat is then seen billowing smoke, with large flames shooting up as the passengers swim in the water with life vests on.

According to BuzzFeed, the occupants of the burned boat swam to the boat they had been harassing for safety.

Who's the flamer now eh!!???
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