Sure Paddy, sure.

So when I was at that scotch tasting. The host asked, "Who here is Scot?"
Several of us raised our hands.
"Who's Irish?"
Couple of us. Raised our hands again.
"Now who's English?"
I figured I paid for this event. So I, (the only one) raised my hand.
Bunch of "Ooohhhs" and "boos".
But good time had by all and 2 hours later we all staggered out.
First time I had cask strength scotch. Had a North of Scotland 104 proof. 45 years old. Yee hah.
Some Scotch whiskey is good but none are great in my opion.
Now, if you want the best, you must go to the source, Ireland.
You do know we invented that precious fluid, right?
The word "whiskey” comes from the Gaelic word for “water.” (Because we drink it as if it was?)
There has long been dispute about where whiskey originated. It is widely accepted that it was from Celtic origin but was it the Scots or the Irish?
When you talk to the Irish they will tell long stories of Irish Christian monks who travelled far and wide picking up the trade of distillation from Arabia around 500-600AD. They mastered the art of distilling grain and water on their return to Ireland. Sure didn’t the Irish need a hard liqueur to protect them from the harsh raw Atlantic gales!
Ah, but when you talk to the Scots (envious liars), they tell you of the hard written (a forgery) evidence that proves whiskey was in distillation in 1494. There is a record on the Exchequer Rolls of ‘eight bolls of malt to Friar John Cor wherewith to make aqua vitae’. (another forgery)
Alas, to Scottish dismay there is new evidence to suggest that indeed the Irish were distilling Irish whiskey before Friar John. According to Barry Walsh, an author writing for the Whiskey Magazine, tanned reindeer skin with carved writing dating back to pre-Christian times has been discovered along the River Liffey during some excavation works.
When ‘translated’ it states that a man called Pah-Dee “Resumed heating the murky bubbly mixture of grain and water, and collected a fiery liquid through worm and reed pipe. Tastes bad. Made me dizzy and sick and I had to lie down” and continues to refer to it as the “fire water”.
If it truly exists, where is the reindeer skin hiding now? For those who are a little more skeptical there are further written records of Irish whiskey in the Annals of Clonmacnoise dating back to 1405, stating “A.D. 1405. Richard Magrannell Chieftain of Moyntyreolas died at Christmas by taking a surfeit of aqua vitae. Mine author sayeth that it was not aqua vitae to him but aqua mortis.” So there you have it, proof that whiskey originated in Ireland, so you can think of us the next time you are having a little nip of the "Holy Water" and thank us
@Don't Bogart, if your man enough, go buy a bottle of the real stuff & pour that shite made in Scotlad down a drain
Try this
Be good/Stay safe/Peace out to you, you English gobshite (Do you know what a gobshite is? It's an old Irish term of endearment

Oh, I'm just wondering how that brilliant idea Brexit is working out for you and how's that guy with the fucked up head of hair doing?
Feeling alright after Covid?
(He's funny looking, looks like he just got out of bed after fucking a Mad woman)