Happy thread :)

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Same here sorta. 1st of the year going to go home at lunch for an hour. 40 down to 34.
For the last 15 years I've been working all events on nights and weekends. We do lots and lots of weddings, birthday parties, etc, etc. Now I just cover events on weeknights. Which most weeks that is one night a week. I have had to work two nights a week this month due to Christmas parties. But it's always slow after the holidays in the get together business.
President Biden Reaches Year's End With Growing List Of Successes

From the economy to the judiciary, Ayman Mohyeldin points out some of the stand-out statistics the Biden administration is taking credit for as its first year wraps up.
Happy tonight!

I'm in Newton, IA at Love's, going home in the morning! Full belly, just had Chester's fried chicken 3 piece meal and a side of mashed potatoes and gravy with large unsweet ice tea.

Relaxing in the truck with the APU kicking ass getting warm up in here, I love it.
Check it out- here's the bunk control right by my head within easy reach

Here's the rest of it on the outside of my truck (sorry it's dirty I will give my truck a bath when I get back the yard)
Here's the tri pac
Here's the condenser for the AC


I can run this APU all night and it only uses 1-2 gallon of fuel and it charges the truck battery while it's running. When I start the truck up, the APU shuts off automatically and goes in standby mode, when I shut the truck off the APU kicks on automatically.

I got a couple pics to share, here's sunrise this morning heading east on I-80 near North Platte, NE

Here's the Archway Monument on I-80 in Nebraska. Not the best pic, I thought about taking a picture at the last minute and there was a damn YRC truck I was passing

This run out to Casper, WY was awesome, incredible beautiful on I-25 between Cheyenne and Casper

Got extremely lucky and have not run into any snow yet, I'm pretty sure I'll drive into a mess tomorrow though when I get closer to Illinois
Roboprosecutor, Trump would overload it and blow a fuse. When they come up with robojudge, buy a few units.
Roboprosecutor, Trump would overload it and blow a fuse. When they come up with robojudge, buy a few units.
I am the luh.
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