Happy tonight!
I'm in Newton, IA at Love's, going home in the morning! Full belly, just had Chester's fried chicken 3 piece meal and a side of mashed potatoes and gravy with large unsweet ice tea.
Relaxing in the truck with the APU kicking ass getting warm up in here, I love it.
Check it out- here's the bunk control right by my head within easy reach
Here's the rest of it on the outside of my truck (sorry it's dirty I will give my truck a bath when I get back the yard)
Here's the tri pac

Here's the condenser for the AC
I can run this APU all night and it only uses 1-2 gallon of fuel and it charges the truck battery while it's running. When I start the truck up, the APU shuts off automatically and goes in standby mode, when I shut the truck off the APU kicks on automatically.
I got a couple pics to share, here's sunrise this morning heading east on I-80 near North Platte, NE
Here's the Archway Monument on I-80 in Nebraska. Not the best pic, I thought about taking a picture at the last minute and there was a damn YRC truck I was passing
This run out to Casper, WY was awesome, incredible beautiful on I-25 between Cheyenne and Casper
Got extremely lucky and have not run into any snow yet, I'm pretty sure I'll drive into a mess tomorrow though when I get closer to Illinois