Hey folks, how the fuck are ya doing?
I'm doing great (sorta

Anyway, as some know I was pretty sick at the begining of the summer with the virus.
When I left the hospital they gave me a fucking laundry list of things that were wrong with me/needed attention.
Like my lungs, liver & joints to be exact
Just a few minor items

So, I've been seeing Dr's for around 4 months now and today I got the results from all my Doctors & they are not that bad
My liver function has returned to normal & no sign of damage (they did an endoscopy)
Joint pain/stiffness, not sure about that (I was diagnosed with Lyme disease also

My lungs though were scarred & lost over 1/2 capacity (no more mountaineering for me

But I'm alive, which is nice.
A funny part of this story is this.
I've had the same Dr. for around 25 years and we know each very well.
He's a dick (aren't they all though?)
And I'm a depressive/alcoholic/drug abuser/cigarette smoking idiot.
We both understand that, which is cool

Anyway, we go way back & he knew I liked a wee drop now & then & he let me know that he knew (that and cigs were his pet peeves wih me)
One morning I woke up & I have this pain in my chest that really fucking hurts.
My wife calls him up and he tells her to bring me in (no mention of calling an ambulance)
She drives me the 25 minutes to his office and I wait in the sitting room for 5-10 minutes, they take me in, weigh/measure me & I'm like where's the fucking Dr., I could be dying here.
Another 5 fucking minutes later he comes sauntering in saying what's the problem & I described the pain in my chest.
You know what that fucker said to me?
"Oh, you probably had too much to drink last night"
I was like fuck you, the pain is in my chest, not a stomach ache or head ache.
Ok long story short.
Nurse comes in/hooks me up to EKG monitor
Nurse reads results, yells Dr. come quick.
Dr. comes in, reads results, exclaims "Holy shit, call an ambulance!
Gurney comes in/O2 mask goes on & away I go, wheeled thru the waiting room yelling "He's no good, he's a quack, look what he's done!!!" (I should have)
Anyway, I get a shot in the ambulance to stabalize me & went to the hospital & got tested and it was determined that they didn't know what really happened.
All they knew was my rhythm for awhile was fucked up.
Let me end.
When that Dr read the report to me stating that all things considered I was in decent health, I could swear I saw no relief in his eyes, but only regret that nothing can seemingly kill me
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